Arthur the King
Arthur the King
| 26 April 1985 (USA)
Arthur the King Trailers

Classic tale of King Arthur and how his wife is kidnapped by his evil sister. Lancelot is sent out to try and retrieve the lost queen and unfortunately falls in love with her. Forbidden love, revenge, family rivalry, and magic are all prominent themes.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Steineded How sad is this?
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
astrakhan-620-361971 Find any aspiring young film makers and force them to watch this as a lesson in how to bugger up a film in every department, and thats every department.....script, directing, lighting, ccstumes, acting, action scenes, editing,....absolutely nothing escapes the awfulness that seeps from this turkey that would make acorn antiques look like the royal Shakespeare company, The cast list is second to none and how on earth any of them took part will probably rank alongside the mystery of the origin of the universe......In summary, take the best grapes from a region called champagne, give it to the masters, and produce.......tesco value cola.................
Deusvolt There is very little of the story of Arthur and Guinevere in this movie. Rather, it is focuses on the touching story of Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnell (Ann Thornton) who is under a spell that turned her face into that of a pig. What would free her from the evil spell is if someone would love her as she is, a lady with the face of a pig. Her kindness and virtue wins the sympathy and love of Sir Gawain and her true visage is revealed, that of an outstandingly beautiful woman. It was not made clear, however, who placed the curse on Lady Ragnell and why. This episode should have been another movie altogether as I find it more interesting than Gawain's encounter with the Green Knight which was made into a movie with Sean Connery.Ann Thornton is a beautiful and effective actress. It's a pity she was active only on TV and only for six years at that.
artzau I guess Dyan Cannon, Macolm McDowell, Edward Woodward, Candy Bergen, Liam Neeson and Rupert Everett must have been in it just for the paycheck. This film is bad-- even for TV. I rented it because I was desperate for a bit of romance for my wife who was ill. Well, it was a stinker. The low budget special effects were out of the three stooges era. The fight scene with King Arthur and the "Undead knight" was a high point, reminding me of Monty Python's Holy Grail. I could go on and on about the abuses to the Arthurian legend but this film is a parody of itself and little more can be said on that account. My biggest disappointment was Candace Bergen who has been a long time fav. Another reviewer here has already noted the shortcoming in her role and we can leave it at that. Neeson was absolutely comical; Everett was ghastly; Woodward was his hambone usual delightful self and Dyan Cannon, (born the same year as myself) was great because she was playing herself. Unless, you're really bored and looking for a lampoon of a costume drama, I might not recommend this one.
juliesteph This movie is, as the previous comment tells, pretty bad. However, the one redeeming quality of it is that it covers some ground that no other Arthurian movies (to my knowledge) cover: characters such as Gawain, Agravain, and Mordred have more than bit parts and the famous "rape of Guinevere" story is also dealt with. It is a very 80's film, though; the makeup and costumes capture that anachronism rather glaringly.