Army of the Dead
Army of the Dead
| 15 January 2008 (USA)
Army of the Dead Trailers

In 1590, Coronado dispatched a division of one thousand men to find El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. Those men were never seen again. While searching some Baja peninsula caves as part of an archeological expedition, a university professor and his students unwittingly unleash a long dormant curse. They soon find themselves in a life or death battle with an army of skeletal warriors, the undead remnants of Coronado's conquistadors.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
elskootero-1 The title grabbed me right away, then I read the synopsis, and watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. No, it isn't Oscar material and also no, you've never heard of any of the actors, but they did a first-rate job and the story line was very good. I watched it without leaving my seat one, and was absolutely THRILLED that, for once, all the good guys DIDN'T get killed. I also thought that the skeletons were greedy; after all, what were they going to do with all that gold besides build buildings? And anyway, how comfortable would a 24 kt gold house be in the winter?Anyway, the acting was very good and the story was great, so I give 10 stars. And I thought Kristen was awfully cute!
david-byrne Like with most American films, this one is corny, narrow and stupid. That might be OK for American audiences who think Saddam was behind 911, but not for educated people. The plot was bug infested and the acting mediocre at best. The script was about as bad as it gets with maybe the exception of Bette Midler in her blasphemous movie The Thorn. I felt sorry for the actors. Whoever wrote the script should have taken a vacation and hired some high school kids who would have done a better job. The effects were nonsense, as was the hero who said he used "Physics 101" to create a Tesla coil. The people who made this film obviously know next to nothing about electronics, or for that matter physics. I gave it two stars because there was one scene where you might get a bit of a fright and it only cost me $1.99 at the local supermarket. If you value what time you have left on earth, don't watch this movie.
joeymarkgraf Good: The story could be interesting. Bad: The dialog is terrible, the filming is terrible, the CG is way beyond bad.(Poor use of it, not the quality.)It's like they had a free pass to not give a care about what they put together because it was cheap. I honestly believe that it was shot, and edited in two days, then hours later slipped in the redbox that I rented it from. To top it off, I didn't even pay for it and yet I'm still offended that I wasted my rental on this. I think that they didn't even read the scrip before they shot it, then didn't watch it before they released it. There is more directing and editing talent in an adult films than in this film.Unless you enjoy amateur films, and I mean REALLY amateur films, don't waste your time.
slayrrr666 "Army of the Dead" is a rather fun and enjoyable take on the zombie film.**SPOILERS**Going to Mexico, John Barnes, (Ross Kelly) and his wife Amy, (Stephanie Marchese) meet up with Professor Kittridge, (Vic Browder) and students Kristen McKnew, (Jocelyn Tucker) Jenny Crane, (Audrey Anderson) Tobias Schuler, (Malcolm Madera) and Alicia Williamson, (Casey Messer) for his birthday present. Heading into the desert, they decide to pass the time by telling stories to each other, and they manage to bring up the legend that haunts the area about a lost civilization that left a vast fortune of hidden gold in the area, and that all who sought it out have perished or disappeared. Figuring that time is available, they head off from their trip to go find it, and manage to stumble upon the gold cache hidden in the mountains. While trying to take the gold away, they unleash the guardian forces behind the gold, an army of the skeletons of those who have also sought the treasure, and must flee back before they also become the gold's undead protectors.The Good News: This was a really fun and quite enjoyable zombie film. One of the best features is that it uses the familiar zombie trappings without having the usual zombies in here. From the back-story, which is one of the best of the genre, that's a mere substitute from the multitude of Nazi-Zombie films that came out earlier to the skeletons being taken exactly like zombies, this one here feels so close in tone and spirit to a zombie film that it has a fresh, original take without doing much with here. The zombies are replaced by an army of reanimated skeletons, and the sight of them walking around holding weapons and being as active as they are makes for some good cheesy fun. They're behavior would also classify them to be like zombies, gathering in swarms and attacking in waves, with the fear being that defeating one of them allows the others to sneak up and finish the job, is played out so similar to zombies that it feels so close to one without being a zombie film. They're also involved in a lot of action around here, as the first assault on the explorers in the caves at the beginning, which has the awesome regeneration scene to start off with as the skeletons rise in unison as shadows against the wall lit by their torches, and the bloody mayhem and action that ensues is glorious. The campfire one is just as good, with the start done with the flaming arrows appearing out of nowhere with a large mass raining down everywhere, forcing them into defensive positions as the soldiers attack on foot, swords and weapons draw to a fantastic confrontation that is so much fun to see. That is the undisputed highlight of the film, for it's packed with fiery action, several moments of suspense and much more, leaving it feeling really fun and interesting. The last fight is also pretty good, as it's a one-on-one sword fight with a skeleton that leaves a great impression overall. There's even a chase with a blood-red skeleton that was stripped of it's skin beforehand to include, and the method of finally defeating them is pretty neat and inventive. The last real good part here is the blood and gore, which may be CGI but it's still a pretty bloody film. That the majority of the bloodshed comes from the skeleton's weaponry in combat, it's still pretty loaded. There's a graphic slit throat, a couple get their skin peeled off, another is impaled in the stomach and stabbed with knives, a multitude of gunshots and more, including what happens to the creatures as well. Coupled together with the film's really great pace and very few flaws, this one here is a pretty good entry.The Bad News: This one here doesn't have many flaws, and there's really only one at that. That's the fact that there's way too much CGI in here. From the skeletons and their actions, both individually and as a group, to the film's bloodshed, this one contains a lot of that and it ruins the scene. The slit throat would work if a sea of computerized red goo never flew at the screen, the explosions would have a lot more power and impact had they not done with CGI, and the film is overall haunted by this flaw. It's pretty much the only thing wrong with the film, and for some, it could be old hat to be able to see a film witness that sort of action.The Final Verdict: A perfectly fun film, ruined only by sub-par CGI, which for some isn't so much of a flaw but rather something that comes with the genre. Those who can take are advised to give this one a shot, as well as zombie film fans, while those who can't stand the CGI are urged to seek caution.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language