| 21 May 1998 (USA)
Armstrong Trailers

The Cold War has just heated up! CIA Agent Bob Taylor (Charles Napier) arrives in Moscow with his new wife Susan (Kimberley Kates) with a highly secret video tape of Russian missiles leaving an unknown base near Moscow under the cover of darkness. Are these missiles destined to be aimed at the US or are they being smuggled to a terrorist organisation. The Americans need to know where these missiles are going, the only person who can help them discover their destination is Armstrong (Frank Zagarino) an ex buddy of Bob who now trains an elite Russian anti-terrorist squad under the command of Colonel Zukov (Richard Lynch). Zukov is from the old guard, corrupt, ruthless, and will stop at nothing to gain control.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
HaemovoreRex Direct to video action flick king, Frank Zagarino stars as the eponymous hero in this fairly entertaining outing set amidst the scenic splendour of Moscow.Although sadly not containing nearly as much action as I might have liked this nonetheless serves as a pretty good way to spend ninety or so minutes and includes a great assembled cast of recognisable faces including Richard Lynch, Joe Lara and Charles Napier, some good stunt work, an entirely exploitative nude shower scene featuring a particularly HOT woman and the requisite, satisfying explosive finale. Special mention must go to Lara who portrays a decidedly suave Mafia leader and who furthermore gets all the best lines in the film!Best scene? Another reviewer summed it up perfectly; Our hero jumps through the upper story window of his apartment to avoid a grenade and mysteriously loses all his hair on the way down only to miraculously regrow it upon landing safely upon the roof of a conveniently parked van(!!!) Well, I know that this was apparently filmed on a low budget but you'd think that someone would have at least forked out some cash on a wig for the stuntman eh?
Mark Schulz There used to be a time when you could stumble across a movie in a bargain bin and it be realized as a masterpiece. Occasionally the path of cult classics discovered by today's audience. Now, however, with the vast amount of low budget movies being made these days it seems there are too many diamonds lost in the celluloid rough.After watching 'Armstrong' countless times I was still unsure of how to take it. Excellently choreographed spoof (to top all others including 'Airplane!') or baneful and calamitous one-take-per-shot "action" adventure.I'm still confused but I urge you to check it out. It made me laugh and it made me cry.
Dave Banks This film is a simple little B type action flick that moves quickly and contains a lot of action. The plot has been done many times before and the characterizations are sort of cliches.Having said all that, I found Armstrong to be a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours at home on a Saturday evening, courtesy of my TIVO unit. I wasn't expecting any complicated, clever plot development nor did I expect any award winning performances. Frankly, I didn't want either to happen. My wife and I liked the fact that the film moves at a very brisk pace with no long, boring, character development scenes.If you consider yourself to be somewhat "above" watching this type of film, do yourself a favor and stay away. The rest of us simple minded folk will continue to enjoy this type of movie and not take the film, or ourselves, too seriously.
Zantara Xenophobe NOTE: Minor spoilers here.Sometimes I come on this site and realize there are thousands upon thousands of movies in existence. I wonder how so many could be made, and then I think about cheap, simplistic movies like "Armstrong," and my wonders cease. Don't let familiar faces drag you to see this. All of them have been in a lot better movies, and it is a mystic puzzle how they could all participate in this. Frank Zagarino can be a good actor when he wants to, and is a hoot in the "Project: Shadowchaser" films; Joe Lara was in "Hologram Man," which was a pleasant surprise for me; and Charles Napier and Richard Lynch are veterans in the industry. But there is so much wrong with "Armstrong" that it is impossible to cover all the negative points and tough to decide where to start.Zagarino plays Rod Armstrong, an ex-CIA agent that now works as freelance muscle. He leaves America and goes to Moscow, where he is hired by high-ranking general Richard Lynch. Armstrong's former friend (Napier) arrives in Moscow with his young wife, and has knowledge that some Russians are not obeying an anti-nuke treaty. He is killed by Joe Lara, a member of the American Mafia put in charge of the Russian Mafia by corrupt Russian leaders. Armstrong vows to stop the plot. Speaking of plot, that is about it. You've probably seen hundreds of similar, better movies with the same plot, and can figure out every step of this one. Heck, the moment one sees Richard Lynch as a Russian colonel, you know he'll turn out to be corrupt. Even I could ignore the triviality of the plot, but the rest is inexcusable. The direction is awful. It jumps from scene to scene without a piece of inspiration. The "action" is really bad, and I doubt if even a good director could make them exciting with the script that this movie has. Take for example the scene where Lara breaks into Zagarino's home for the first time. A grenade is dropped, and to avoid death, Zagarino dives out the window and onto a pea soup green van unharmed. But no one else in the apartment gets out before the blast, but they still survive without a scratch. What's worse is that the blast doesn't even damage Zagarino's home, as it is intact in later scenes. Oh, but flaws like that are sprinkled throughout the film. Bad guys killed or knocked out suddenly show up a few scenes later, and at one point, a dead body in the background has a very noticeable leg twitch. I could go on and on...But the horrible dialogue is what makes you embarrassed to be viewing the film over all the other bad points. It is the worst I think I have ever heard. I usually just shake my head at bad dialogue, but when I heard Joe Lara say "He knows much too much" I laughed so loud I had to muffle my mouth with my hands. So if you are in the video rental store, and you spot this in the action section, secretly move it to the comedy section where it belongs. Zantara's score: 1 out of 10.