R | 09 March 2011 (USA)
Apart Trailers

Linked by a rare psychological disorder, Noah Greene and Emily Gates must uncover the mystery of a tragic past in order to find hope for the future.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
suite92 Folie à deux (Induced delusional disorder (F.24) ICD-10) is in the literature; wikipedia has a nice article about it. However, this is the worst vanity indie film I've seen in months.In the first half or so of the film, we follow Noah around as he tries to remember his past. He's lost much of his memory in some acute personal event. Several people assure him that this is a good thing. He looks for Emily, finds her, gets past her thorny personality and direct resistance to visiting the past.Supposedly Emily and Noah are linked by a psychiatric disorder which lets them know each other's minds. Even worse, they see visions of bad things happening to those around them. It's tough for Noah to recall. For similar reasons, it's tough for Emily as well. Even worse, they are not able to ward off the bad things happening.The first such event was when they were around eight years old; the second around when they were high school seniors. The first was a bus crash. The two of them recuperate, more or less, in the same hospital. The second was a fire, the culmination of a sequence of unfortunate events during late high school.All this is nonsense, and assigned to folie à deux, or induced delusional disorder. In this case, "She's crazy and made me do it," or "He's crazy and made me do it." The simpler explanation is "He is crazy and she is crazy." So, own up to it and get them off the streets: two crazy people are over-indulged and allowed to hurt others unnecessarily.-----Scores------Cinematography: 10/10 Fine work. Amazingly good considering the foulness of the screenplay and most of the acting.Sound: 10/10 No problems.Acting: 3/10 The veteran actor Bruce McGill delivered as usual. The rest of the cast was terrible. The two principals were the worst. The three points are for Mr. McGill.Screenplay: 0/10 This was a rat's nest of nonsense of endless re-interpretations. The script is as bad as the acting of the two principals. There is about five minutes of content stretched over 85 minutes. Rotten Tomatoes got it right at 11%.
unclephi609 Within the first five minutes I wanted to FB "like" the lead male actor. He didn't come across as over-acting, but came close a couple of times. There were just a couple of familiar faces which allowed me to get into the characters. It was nice not knowing where specifically this film took place because it was irrelevant to the plot. And the closing credits, well the credits had me thanking the whole crew for getting TOGETHER on this film. A great tie-in to the flow of the entire film.Is it hard to follow? Yes. And all the more rewarding when you do. This is film offers cerebral stimulation rather than couch-potato viewing. If you prefer not to use your imagination to draw conclusions, if you worry about being too confused to enjoy a film, or if you would rather spend an hour-and-a-half watching plots as deep as "See Spot Run" then don't watch this movie.However, if you liked "Brick" and enjoy well written scripts, excellent visuals, and a kind of supernatural component to your films, I highly recommend "Apart." Don't take my word for it. Netflix instant this film.
Saad Khan Apart – TRASH IT (C-) A movie about two lovers becoming victim of Folie à deux (Induced delusional disorder (F.24) ICD-10) is a great notion on the paper but somehow it didn't translate well on screen. Apart moves chronically and at times non-chronically, which makes it's really confusing. When you choose a topic as confusing as (F.24) ICD-10 its better to move the movie in more sensible manner. Olesya Rulin does her part well coming out from Disney movies. Josh Danziger is expressionless most of the times. And all emotions seems same on his face he was as miserable after the accident as he was before. FYI if you have wrote the movie it doesn't give you the permission to star in it as well. Overall, Apart makers were thinking they' were making something indie phenomena but unfortunately it became indie disappointment.
Peter Deitenbeck to begin, i am in no way affiliated with this film, i don't know anyone associated with this film and this is a completely unbiased review. as you will notice, i have never even written a review on this site before. the reason i am writing one now, is that i would like others to be able to experience an awesome indie film as i have. i always look to IMDb when choosing to watch a film and it was the positive reviews on this site that coaxed me to watch this. i am glad that i did. i will say nothing of the story except that it is definitely worth the time spent to go through it. the cinematography is excellent, the plot is excellent and the acting is good. actually considering the history of one of the leads, the acting is exceptional. the movie slightly borrows from donnie darko at points, although imo doesn't quite live up to darko. but then again donnie darko is a classic imo. anyways, don't pay attention to the rating and do yourself a favor and watch a very good movie. this comes from someone who watches at least 1 movie a day as i work from home and have to be in front of the computer for countless hours and love film.