Anything But Love
Anything But Love
| 14 November 2003 (USA)
Anything But Love Trailers

A corporate lawyer is caught in a love triangle with an ambitious cabaret singer.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
smfisher If you are a fan of MGM and RKO musicals of the 30s and 40s, you will get the references in this film and enjoy them!!! If not, but like movies that let you escape, you will love this film. It's sweet, clever, poignant, and funny the way a good Cole Porter or Irving Berlin tune is. I saw this movie last night and had a wonderful time. Go see it!!!!! :)
Naneaux I love musicals and cabaret theater and had high hopes for this film after reading the positive blurbs in the Times ad. It was a real let-down... our heroine deserves to remain a headliner at the JFK Skytel Lounge in Queens because she lacks the talent and charisma to do anything else. Absolutely nothing about this turkey is interesting - not the script, not the lackluster musical performances and not Andrew McCarthy who cannot stop fussing with his cruddy baseball cap. Save your time and money and go rent "Singing in the Rain" instead.
florafairy At some movie theatres lately, you have the choice of seeing "Love Actually" or "Anything But Love"; ironically, the titles are the exact opposite of what these films are really about. After the depressing fairy-tales of "Love Actually" it was so refreshing to see a film that may not have had the advantages of a big budget or top-name talent, but makes up for it with sincerity. For Billie Golden, the first love in her life is her music, and she finds love with a man who has the same philosophy. How reassuring to find a film that doesn't glorify materialism and appearances and subjugates the love story to the more important life journey of finding one's passion. Miss Isabel Rose certainly looks and acts the part and has a nice little voice; Andrew McCarthy, as already noted, is perfect as the sclubby pianist. The rest of the cast is serviceable (Cameron Bancroft, I thought, was the weakest link). Costumes (particularly Billie's glorious retro fashions) were great and although there is a heck of a lot of distractingly bad ADR, there are some great NYC locations that make this one of the great movie valentines to the Big Apple, along the lines of "Annie Hall." The Technicolor dream sequence was a nice touch. Some interesting, not-oft-heard standards are to be found in the score. The script was awkward at times, particularly in the ending, but overall this is a fine little movie and a great holiday treat.
jenbarr I saw 12 films at the 2002 Fort Lauderdale Film Festival and Standard Time was by far my favorite.In my opinion Isabel Rose has done a remarkable job of creating a polished and entertaining film with a low budget. The script and story, performances, music, costumes, and the wonderfully vivid and lush cinematography successful blend to make Standard Time such a pleasure to watch.Hopefully Standard Time will secure U.S. distribution because I would love to see this movie released in theaters. I found it thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable and I would certainly see it a second time.Andrew McCarthy is very appealing in this movie. Eartha Kitt also has a small, but very significant role. The rest of the cast is less familiar, but all gave quality performances.