| 02 December 2014 (USA)
Antidote Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic plague-ridden world, a man and woman face unimaginable horrors when he suddenly becomes infected, and the only possible cure slowly drives him mad.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
nammage I guess I just didn't watch the same film as the other two reviewers or those who rated it so low. The acting is good. I've seen a lot of horror/zombie/thriller flicks and in most of them the acting is average to poor. The acting in this, from the very first scene, was good. And for an indie film with actors I've never heard of: that's saying something. Even the production value is top notch. The gore, what little of there there is: good. Sets, locations: real, which is even better. Direction and editing is good. What more can one ask for? Really?One of the other reviewers mentioned they're in a "snowbound world". Yeah, I'm thinking it's just wintertime where they live and it snows there. But what do I know: I live in Florida. Is the story slow? In my opinion: no. It's paced out just fine. If it was like every other Zombie film then it'd be cliché and I wouldn't be defending it, if that's what I'm even doing.It's simple: disease infects people, anyone can catch it no matter who you are but there is a supposed cure but it drives you insane before it cures you. So, this film mainly just has two people in it (there are two others but it mainly focuses on the characters of Matthew and Hannah) and one gets sick (Matthew) and the other (Hannah) takes care of him.I felt this had less to do with subject of an antidote (cure), Zombies, or even the wont of necessarily surviving, per sé. I found the drive more inclined of one loving another and what they would do for that person; and is that uncharacteristic for a Zombie film or a horror film in general? Yes but if all you're looking for in watching horror films is gore, nudity, and death then I think you need a better grasp on things because the genre is so much more than that.People keep saying they want less cliché and when they get it they complain because it doesn't live up to their expectations. Then make your own film. Let's see how that goes. I'm not saying this film is perfect, it's not. Frankly, I thought it was too short. I felt more dramatic elements should have been thrown in; the Stranger (Matthew Rauch) should have had a bigger role (maybe even more lines) and the Zombie? Not in it too much unless one counts the character of Matthew but he laid in a makeshift bed most of the time and mostly convulsed. My idea of things not known for one horror flick to the next is that since most of them are cliché to the point you're watching basically the same film but different actors, is that if one holds a mystery that isn't solved--for whatever reason--then just take from the many other films and attach it to the one you're watching because if the filmmakers actually decided to explain the mystery then it most likely would be one those anyway. Sometimes a "mystery" is best unsolved.7/10
Leofwine_draca ANTIDOTE is a very low budget post-apocalypse movie with just two main characters. The story sees them wandering through a chilly, snowbound world, but the amount of actual ingredients in the film is so low in number that watching quickly becomes a chore. It's not even as if the direction keeps you watching as in a film like VALHALLA RISING by Nicholas Winding Refn. The story sees the male of the pair get infected with some kind of zombie virus while the woman injects him repeatedly to try and save him. You can see the ending coming a mile away. As a film it's dark, dank, and a not at all enjoyable endurance test.
starman-wa I am a fan of post apocalypse, sci-fi and some horror, what I can't stand is zombie movies so when reading the synopsis I was hoping it would not be focused on this part. Unfortunately it was not focused on anything - this was a pointless movies in all aspects. SPOILERSThe story behind the 'virus' and how it killed everyone was never told, neither was how the sister in law ended up being in love with the the brother in law. The kissing scenes were ridiculous - the guy is fully infected with some unknown disease where he is vomiting blood, has scars all over his face etc and they are pashing away...There are only 3 actors who have lines, and whilst the acting was reasonable the movie wasn't, it's slow, doesn't really make the characters interesting or believable, doesn't even produce any real jump scares - just a fail on all levels.