Another Man's Wife
Another Man's Wife
| 22 May 2011 (USA)
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After a traumatic car accident, a couple and their daughter decide to spend a short vacation in a cabin in the woods. While trying to rebuild their lives, the constant reminder of the woman who they overwhelmed remains indelible in the minds of the mother. Things get complicated when a kind and handsome neighbor decides to accompany them in their sleep.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
darkavenger77 This Lifetime movie features Lifetime regular Dylan Neal as husband and dad Brian and an actress with arguably the most beautiful blue eyes to ever grace a Lifetime movie, Rena Sofer, literal eye candy who plays wife and mom Hadley. They have a daughter Skylar that did not inherit mom's eyes or her beautiful hair.The plot is that OCD wife Hadley was in a car accident that killed a young woman, who apparently stepped out in front of her car. There is a funny scene near the beginning with hubby Dylan scheduling some time with Hadley using a made up name: Han D. Someman- handsome man. Anyhow, the idea is to spend some quality family time at a cabin. Upon arrival, they meet neighbor Al. When Brian asks about the regular neighbor Bob, Al says he's away visiting his son for a couple of weeks. It's clear to Lifetime regulars Al is the Lifetime psycho (LP) here, which is proved several minutes later when we see the dead body of the neighbor in Al's freezer (body count: 1). It looks like Brian may have had a drinking problem, as he dumps a bottle of booze down the drain, and that Brian has an old sports injury.Al does the standard LP stuff by working his way into friendship with the family, such as taking Skylar fishing. He makes a play for Hadley, proving he's not 100% psycho, flashing her as she jogs by his cabin.LP does some other standard stuff, such as loading a bunch of gas cans into a pickup. As is often the case for actors in these made in Canada movies, he has guested on Supernatural, so maybe he was going to use the gas to burn some bones.Bob's son has been calling and now is going to head up there since he has not heard from dad.LP has the family over for dinner and works on Brian, citing the "Bro Code" from How I Met Your Mother, and asks what he had done that merited buying Hadley a nice necklace. LP makes a creepy comment about Hadley and presses the question. Brian lets slip his drinking problem. LP spills some beer on Brian.The son turns up and long story short is apparently ganked by LP (body count: 2?). The family that is slayed together stays together. BTW, this takes place while the family is over for dinner. LP takes their cellphones. We see some foreshadowing when Skylar tries on his firefighter gear and he gives her a pick- which could be used as a weapon. Returning home, Hadley can't find her cell phone and has an argument with Brian.On her next jog, LP is shirtless practicing some martial arts moves. LP flatters her and she tells him she's happily married. LP presses her as he did Brian and slips a wedge in about Brian having a secret. Hadley confronts Brian and we learn of their troubled marriage. Hadley presses Brian, who confesses being unfaithful during their separation. Brian then gives away the plot by saying the woman in the accident was his fling. Hadley freaks out and leaves. LP shows up and continues to work on her and then kisses her in view of Brian- who LP saw but Hadley did not.LP then hits on 17 year old Skylar but nothing happens.At the hour mark, Brian is packing to leave and tells LP to stay away from his family. LP provokes Brian to punch him. We see now why LP had so much gas- he is starting random fires- a danger he had warned the family of when they were roasting hot dogs. Brian and Hadley have an argument and Skylar is involved over the LP kissing Hadley. It looks like they have made up though on foot.Hadley's stupidity by not following up after LP's attacks (she could have ganked him at least twice) along with the expected females in jeopardy ending was really a low point to what had been a better than average Lifetime movie I had to add a "Lifetime" point for that below. Long story short, the son is not dead (body count: 1), Skylar goes MMA on LP, Brian punches him so hard he's knocked into the air, Hadley stabs him, and then he is set on fire by a burning ember. Three weeks later it ends and all is well with the family.Regular movie score: 6/10 (higher is better). Lifetime movie score: 5/10 (higher is stupider).
aboutagirly Fun popcorn movie. I love, love, LOVE (did I mention love) Rena Sofer ever since I saw her on General Hospital and she just gets better with age. She is a fine wine.I also love these obsession stories and thought this had some neat twists, even though the commercial told me the twists ahead of time lol (why do the networks do that?)I like the idea of the wife watching Rena, which lead to the villain watching Rena and that started the stalking.Good cast and dialogue. I PVR'd it and watched it a second time, which was interesting to see how it was set up.Had some audio issues but not sure if that was my TV.
edwagreen Very predictable yarn. Within 5 minutes of the opening scenes, you will not have to have a doctorate to determine who the guy "renting" the house next door is in relation to the woman who threw herself in front of an incoming car.The film really lacks credibility because of the coincidental relationship of the dead woman to the man she carried on with. Go know the guy was married to the woman who ran over our gal. This is really incredible for one to fathom.The suicide victim's husband is a real psycho in every sense of the word. The film is cliché with the problems that our husband and wife had and when in total despair, the daughter remarks: "I love you."These type of family hostage crisis films are so predictable.