Annihilation Earth
Annihilation Earth
| 12 December 2009 (USA)
Annihilation Earth Trailers

Two scientists fight to save the planet after a group of terrorists destroy a particle accelerator.

GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
wickedwildeyedwomen I hate when actresses put on a fake accent and hate it even more when they fake accents badly. The sound editor should be blacklisted for the terrible job that was done.Apart from bad acting, bad sound, blondes with overfilled botox lips, it still sucked lemons. Even for a made-for-TV movie, it was quite horribly made.Watch it just to see how badly made movies can be.
anortham17 Truly, truly awful . . .I am a TNG fan, so watched when I noticed Marina Sirtis name. But that accent . . . bad, bad, bad . . .The plot should have allowed a reasonable film - scientists creation threatens extinction of the planet. Spoiler: It blows up. They do keep telling you that, so its not much of a spoiler. But there - I've saved you 90 minutes of your life you will never get back . . .Other posters who try and say there is some good acting or other features are wrong.There isn't. Wearing a Bruce Willis radiation suit painted black apparently makes you pant when standing still, or trying to hobble (badly) across flat ground. Poor collagen lipped silicon breasted science assistants are probably really nice people, but weren't required here - they added nothing to script or story line. Make up on survivors in disaster scenes came out out of my three year olds paint set. Applied by a three year old. Raging fires in desolated city scenes came out of a 1990 video game - its so long since I've played it I cant remember what its called any more. And I don't think the console even works - just like this movie.Other posters have given some of the plot holes big enough to drive Jupiter through.For plot holes and bad acting, pick a scene, any scene, and I'll provide the list.Some movies are so bad they are good.This one isn't. Its just bad . . .
rand070357 I was a bit surprised by Marina Sirtis and her Southern accent, and the inconsistencies were a bit distracting. The acting of Luke Goss actually wasn't bad.But here is the real bottom line, and it does make you think. Can a technology be created that could cause an extinction level event? Nuclear Annihilation is about as much as we have created so far, but what if a technology was created (super collider) that led to the destruction of our planet. Do I think this could happen? No, not a chance. But I like movies that make you think.Here are some of the holes in this movie (not a complete list): 1. For technologies this powerful, where is the security? There is no way an Arab terrorist gets to a control room and can cause this much damage.2. 1 man (Luke Goss) and 1 woman (Marina Sirtis) have all the control and knowledge to make the call to end humanity. As mentioned before, Luke did a fairly good job at acting out his part, but I believe a group of scientists would be giving their opinions on such a huge decision.3. When Marina was talking to Luke at the end of the movie, she mention states, "how can we trust a man that has beaten and shot?". OK, I know they had a video screen and they could see the blood on his face, but how did they know he was shot in the leg? 4. Technologies this powerful will have so many fail safes and redundancies a terrorist would not have a chance to take this much control.However, even with some of these plot holes. I liked the thought it created and the surprising conclusion. Not many end this way.
economista One extra star is for an ending that puts this wretched group of actors out of their misery.Marina Sirtis' attempt at a southern accent was as bad as Andie McDowell's attempt at a British accent in one of her early films. It was completely unnecessary to the plot and was a terrible distraction that highlighted the overall poor level of talent in this truly awful film.The characters talk about high levels of radiation but enter the radioactive zone with no ill effects. Characters drive around the countryside for no reason than to fill space in the empty storyline.Syfy (formerly Scifi) has offered some superior series (Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Stargate, etc.) but always seems to fall short on the films produced for them.A film can overcome a modest budget and limited special effects with a good story and good acting. This film provides nothing of value.