Annie: A Royal Adventure
Annie: A Royal Adventure
G | 18 November 1995 (USA)
Annie: A Royal Adventure Trailers

Annie is back! Along with her friends Molly, Hannah, her dog Sandy, and her wealthy father Oliver Warbucks. They take a trip to England where Warbucks is going to be Knighted by the King. Annie and the gang stumbles onto a wicked scheme led by an evil noblewoman who plans to blow up Buckingham Palace so she can become Queen and claim the throne for herself! And now it is up to Annie and her friends to stop her!

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Aspen Orson There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
ascheidler My daughter picked this out from the video rental place, and it is absolutely dreadful. Irritating characters, annoyingly awful "plot" (note the quotes), shameful "acting" (quotes again!)... this movie is totally devoid of redeeming qualities.Do what you can to fool your kids into picking ANYTHING else. My daughter also picked out an American Girl movie that same day (the one about Kitt during the depression), and contrary to my expectations it was very good. A decent story that weaves in a historical lesson as well as a good example of being honest and kind.The two movies couldn't have been more different...
orphic_okapi This film is absolutely awful, but nevertheless, it can be hilarious at times, although this humor is entirely unintentional.The plot was beyond ridiculous. I don't even think a 2 year-old would be convinced by the ludicrous idiocy that the film-makers tried to slap together into a story. However, on the positive side, some of the horrifically inane plot twists provide a great deal of humor. For example, "Wow, Lady Hogbottom has a giant missile hidden in her back yard!" It gets worse (and even funnier), but I'll spare you.The acting is generally laughable. Most of the kids' roles are sort of cute, but not very believable. On the other hand, Annie is pretty awful all-around. The adults don't take their roles seriously at all, but this is largely a good thing. If they'd tried to be believable, the film would've been even worse. Which is difficult to imagine.Once you get past the overall crappiness of the movie, there are actually a few standout moments of almost-not-crappiness. The scene where Lady Hogbottom's son runs away with the maid is surprisingly hilarious, though it's an annoying letdown when they get caught by the police. The butler character, while very minor, is a ray of sunlight that almost, but never quite pierces through the gloom.Watching this movie actually caused me physical pain. Nevertheless, there were a few redeeming parts that made it almost watchable without beginning to hemorrhage internally. Judged on its good parts alone, the movie would be about a 5; unfortunately, the rest of the movie hardly deserves a 1. Thus, I give it a 3.That's being pretty generous, I'd say.
audrey292003 Annie's wig does not look good. she is not cute and pretty enough to play Annie. Annie sticks out in the movie, as her outfits look like Halloween costumes. terrible acting and terrible plots. This movie is such a change from the 1982 version. I think that a younger and smaller girl should have had the lead role. Ashley Johnson portrays a very boyish Annie. Not appealing at all. At least the casting director got it right with Daddy Warbucks. Ms. Hannigan was also miscast. Camilla Belle played Molly alright. "Warning" this movie might insult your IQ so you might just want to only show it to very young children. 8 and younger. Some of the plots are too fictional and could hardly take place in the real world.
rahero As a TV movie, Annie 2 is funny and the actors did great jobs. Ashley Johnson look very cute. Sorry to see Joan Collins gets much older than her Dynasty days....I thought she knew the way to eternal youth. But she is still elegant and in good shape at the age of 60's.