Anne Frank Remembered
Anne Frank Remembered
PG | 08 June 1995 (USA)
Anne Frank Remembered Trailers

Using previously unreleased archival material in addition to contemporary interviews, this Academy Award-winning documentary tells the story of the Frank family and presents the first fully-rounded portrait of their brash and free-spirited daughter Anne, perhaps the world's most famous victim of the Holocaust.

Micransix Crappy film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
m-torres-61-319635 Azlan Lewis:Azlan is is usually a name held by Arabs and other Moslems. It is a sad truth that Arabs have pretty much surpassed the Nazis in their antisemitic intensity and holocaust-denying lies, one example of which is Azlan's comment. They first learned anti-semitic propaganda before and during WW II, which was taught to them by the Nazis themselves since Moslem leaders were the Axis Powers allies and supporters. The mainstream Arab and Moslem media are full of anti-semitic propaganda of the worst kind on a daily basis. Here's a video that should convince any well-meaning, well-informed humans that Moslem media, financed by their governments, are a cancer on the tissue of the modern world:
Azlan Lewis I was forced to watch this farce of a dairy now proved to be false and fictitious, the only thing true may be the the characters named in the book, we will never know for sure.This farce was written by Mr. Vandam's secretary and portions of the supposed diary written with ball point pens which were not in use that the time when the fake diary was written.It is difficult watch this boring movie, it's slow in many places and dreary. Not worth the time of watching this false story badly written, badly acted video. Also explores sexuality, something that should not be shown to children.Don't Bother
TheEmulator23 This is a film that every child should see before they grow and get distorted often passed down ideas from generation to generation of family. I grew up in two different places although only 20 miles apart. I went to school & had friends of every color creed & religion for the first 8 years of my life. Then I moved to hillbilly country (although not anymore) where it was very unusual to even have one African-American kid in your class. My graduating class in high school had 2 or 3 African-Amercians (god why can't I just say Black? You can call me a honky or whitey or whatever! all of this political correctness peeves me as it does most others!) Anyway back to the film give this a try to see what happens when people get a distorted view or just what ignorance or a lack of understanding does to a culture or a country! This is an excellent film everyone should see especially children.
williamknott The Diary of Anne Frank is the second best-selling nonfiction book in the world, and for good reason. Nonetheless, sitting through this documentary about her life, which fills in some of the details where the diary left off, I thought, "Just another documentary about Anne Frank." I found it to be competent but not extraordinary. That was my complacent attitude because I was already well aware of the story of Anne Frank; most of what the documentary had to tell me wasn't news to me.Everything changed, though, when I got to the end of the documentary---when I saw the motion picture footage of Anne Frank. The emotional impact of seeing this footage, only a second or so long, made everything that came before it a thousand times more real---but not just everything that was in the documentary; everything I had previously known about Anne Frank suddenly became more real to me, more personal. I'd always been moved by her story, but when I saw that footage, what I felt was stronger and deeper and more profound than any other film experience of my life. (I knew beforehand that this documentary contained live footage of Anne Frank, and I'd even seen the footage in a movie review on television, but seeing it in the context of the documentary was a completely different experience. It's not likely that my mentioning it here will spoil it for anyone.)I realize now that many people still don't know the story of Anne Frank; it's discouraging at times to be witness to this kind of ignorance. I think to myself, "How could someone NOT know the story of Anne Frank?" This being the case, though, ANNE FRANK: REMEMBERED, along with reading her diary, is the best place to start. It's a story that everyone should know.
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