And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
NR | 10 May 2013 (USA)
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor Trailers

Adan Kundle, CEO of a major advertising agency, is discovered unconscious in front of a wall of TVs. When he wakes in the hospital, Adan can only communicate through advertising slogans.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
zif ofoz If you decide to watch this movie you'll enjoy it - maybe. If you decide to skip this movie - you haven't missed much. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad movie!For me I found it a bit confusing because I do not watch much television --- therefore I am unaccustomed to a lot of the phrases and jingles that are so important to the Adan Kundle character. But I got the point of the plot line - it's pretty easy.One important thing I did notice - directly from the start - is the color coordinated interiors and clothing !!! Please take notice .. the colors on the walls, the furniture, the drapes, even the auto interiors are color coordinated. The costumes match the surroundings and when thing become 'testy' the colors reflect this.Believe me --- even my dentist can see it!
shuhaabshah-3 its hard to review this movie may be because its not just a movie . its a piece of brilliant ideas put together in a beautiful though not perfect way. you just cant hate Bruce Greenwood in his part. though the film does not explain some main things around which the plot is based on but that just makes you admire it more, just adding the curiosity. not knowing until the credits rolled, i found to my surprise that my face was tired with a constant pleasant smile. this movie is not supposed to make you laugh like out loud like crazy but in a quiet and peaceful way. and it succeeds in doing that exactly. THIS MIGHT NOT BE EVERYONE'S CUP OF TEA .. BUT IF YOU LIKE MOVIES LIKE I DO YOU WILL LOVE TO EXPERIENCE THIS MOVIE.
meeza And now a word from our punster on the movie "And Now A Word From Our Sponsor"; that would be me with the cheesehead on top. Before you cut me off and go to commercial break, please stay! I deserve a break today, so please don't get mad, get glad with these incoming puns; wouldn't you like to be a punster too? Anyways, "And Now A Word From Our Sponsor" stars Bruce Greenwood as Adan Kundle, the CEO of his Kundle Advertising firm. Adan suffers a mental breakdown and starts speaking in advertising commercial slogans; it's OK, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. He does it rampantly also, nothing outlasts the Adanizer, he keeps going and going and going. Parker Posey also stars as Karen Hillridge, a Fundraising Executive in a hospital. Karen is a single mother to teenage daughter Meghan who 4 out 5 psychiatrists recommend for her to seek help for her teenage angst. Karen takes in Adan at her home for a few days before he is transferred to a mental institution. Karen is a former student of Adan, but their relationship is strictly platonic, so Adan "never had it, never will" from Karen, so there is no need for a "where's the beef?" insert here. Callum Blue co-stars as Lucas Foster, the arrogant Vice President executive of Kundle Advertising who vehemently & viciously will do all it takes to get Adan renounced as CEO of the firm; I guess nothing sucks like an Electrolucas. Zack Bernbaum 's effort in directing the movie with its creative premise was a decent one, but "wazzz up" with the incoherent subplot of Karen's relationship with her daughter; I think there is where I was shouting for "Calgon, to take me away". Nonetheless, Bernbaum fixure on Adan's condition was the strength of his direction in the movie, and his ability to think different was commendable. Screenwriter Michael Hamilton-Wright's clever scribe on Adan's character with his verbalization of the commercial slogans was a comedic delight that made me clap on a lot, but when his scribe turned to Karen and her daughter Meghan it made me clap off plenty. Now, take it was an independent movie and the filmmakers did not have enough of "what's in your wallet" so therefore I must admire their efforts within their limitations. And when it positively absolutely had to deliver the commercial slogans from Adan, it turned out to be an overnight success; sort of. Adan's commercial slogan responses were a trip; yep, "they're Greeeeat!" Greenwood's phenomenal performance as Adan was a treasure, the best work I have seen so far in 2013; I hope it leaves a light on the minds of academy members & actors' guilds during next year's movie awards season. As much as I adore the indie queen Posey, I think that her work here as Karen was less filling than great. She did not pack that Parker punch which she usually inhibits in her indie movie roles. Callum Blue played the caricature role of an executive villain quite stereotypically, it did not have any "snap, crackle, pop" in it. Newcomer Allie MacDonald did not bring it our way by giving a lackluster performance as Meghan; I was not lovin' it at all, Ms. MacDonald. And now a final word from this punster: I am endorsing "And Now A Word From Our Sponsor" mainly due to Greenwood's super performance, and there is an up for that. **** Good
annelidem86 I seriously don't understand why it has such a low rating. It's funny - the dialog. The characters are quit simple and maybe some will say it is over acted - don't know if that is proper English - but it is not overdone - i think it is clever and well executed by both actors and the whole team around it. It made me smile and i found it heartwarming, its about people connecting without (in some way) not speaking the same language. Plus Bruce Greenwood/Adan - for an older person :-) - he is quit cute in this movie. I liked the 'chemistry' between him and the leading lady Parker Posey/Karen.If you want to watch something good/sweet/entertaining/funny, lay back, enjoy and feel happy at the end. Its not a 'fast' story, but i think the pace the film is in suits the story and character of the film.