And God Created Woman
And God Created Woman
R | 04 March 1988 (USA)
And God Created Woman Trailers

In this variation on director Vadim's own, more acclaimed Et Dieu Créa La Femme (1956, the same title in French), the vamp Robin Shea marries charming carpenter Billy Moran, only to get out of prison, but soon decides to seduce James Tiernan, who runs for state governor.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I sat down to watch "And God Created Woman" because I used to enjoy Rebecca De Monay's movies when I was younger, but I never got around to watching this movie from 1988 before late in 2016.I must admit that I didn't have much expectations to it, as I had no idea what this movie was about, and it is a 1980s movie after all. And the movie didn't turn out to be anything extraordinary.Sure, there were some good and fun enough moments throughout the course of the movie, but in overall, then this was just a less than mediocre movie in terms of entertainment value.It was nice to see Frank Langella in the movie, but he could only do so much to salvage the movie, as there was very little to work with in terms of story and plot. As for Rebecca De Mornay, then this was nowhere near being her best movie performances. I am sure it might have been something back in the day, since there is a heap of nudity throughout the course of the movie.What failed to work for me was the characters in the movie, because they just never took a hold. The characters in the story were little more than just cardboard cut-outs with very little characteristics, personality and depth. Which ultimately permeated a sense of shallowness to the movie.The storyline was not really a plausible one either. I mean, a guy who marries a woman in jail that he doesn't even know so that she can get out, just doesn't really cut it. And to top things off, then things throughout the course of the story were so predictable that you saw it coming a mile away."And God Created Woman" had remained to stay unseen by me for 28 years, and I can't claim to have stumbled upon a hidden gem here. I have seen it now, and can honestly say that I am not going to return to watch it a second time around.
SnoopyStyle Robin Shea (Rebecca De Mornay) escapes from a New Mexico prison. She hitches a ride with James Tiernan (Frank Langella) who is running for governor. It turns out he's visiting the prison and he tells her to sneak back in. She runs into carpenter Billy Moran (Vincent Spano) who helps her and has sex with her. She calls up Tiernan who tells her to get marry for a better chance at parole. She offers $5k to Moran to marry her. She gets parole and moves in with him who lives with his son Timmy and his brother Peter. The usual relationship struggles.This is notable for director Roger Vadim revisiting his iconic creation. It starts like an erotic B-movie with a naked De Mornay and women's prison. Then it become awkward with an angry Billy Moran. There is so much cheese that it is irredeemably bad. Even the rock music playing is cheesy. Robin Shea is not a compelling character and I don't like their relationship. There is very little appealing about this movie.
puppylove2009 First off.. If I could rate this movie more than 10, I would; to say this movie is "excellent", is a total understatement. A lot of user reviews on this movie are saying its basically crap.. Um.. NO!!Im a HUGE Frank Langella Fan.. and I remember my first reaction.. it was the same as my second reaction, watching it last night. (more on it below ;) )The basic story in the movie is Rebecca DeMornay's character, Robin Shay, marries a man she met while "breaking in" to prison.. Just to get out of Prison again.. She starts an unlikely friendship between the Governor to-be, James Teirnan ( played by Langella <3 ) So the marriage is not going too great, and they both cheat... Rebecca's character with Frank Langella's character. She starts up a band, with her brother in-law and other guys, and after being caught having sex with her husband,, on camera.. she needed to get on Tiernan's good side, so she played at his fundraiser and basically made him win.Let me tell you why this movie was so amazing and will forever be in my top 5 movies, EVER! 2 words. FRANK LANGELLA!I knew this movie was gonna be good, even when I saw the trailer.. Im not joking.. this is ONE of the sexiest roles he has EVER played.. All throughout the movie, the viewers can see that Tiernan wants Shay, by a simple hug, phone call.. Then my favourite scene EVER in the movie was the seduction scene.It starts out with them playing pool, and drinking.. as the game progresses, he leans in to kiss her, she pulls back.. When she tells him " One more game- the winner says due, the loser, dies" she lays on the table.. he makes his way to her , spreads her legs, picks her up, as they are inches away from kissing.. he says "your on". I could've died, right there. After the pool game is over, he loses, so he asks her "what you want?!", she then replies " get down on your knees" !! she spreads her legs, he takes off her belt ever so intensely.. kissing her stomach, licking her belly button.. and just starts... OH MY GOD!! The next scene with them shows Tiernan, in a hot tub.. they are kissing and I know what she was doing with her hand lol It then, shows him on top of her, kissing her body.. After they had finished, he politely asks her to stay the night and she rejects him :(.. ( if I were her, I wouldn't have rejected him :( ), not even now. YUM lolEvery smirk, smile, pleasurable face he made was amazing.. My reaction to those scenes is the same every time, sometimes i think i need an oxygen tank, not because of the "go to" obvious answer, but because i was surprised and happy also hes soo manly. I'd actually need to stop the movie just to calm down lolcase and point, this movie deserves more than a 10/10 rating.
BlackJack_B One thing I've always admired about 80's movies is that they all have that "Miami Vice look". The groundbreaking show featured hip clothing for the time as well as lots of music playing (hits or otherwise) when there was no dialogue. Today, we don't have that in films or T.V., but in the last great decade, it was everywhere. I've wondered if there ever was a true 90's movie?And God Created Woman continues this trend. This film was made during the "hip" trend of the late 80's, when people gave up their feathered mullets and ugly tank-tops and started wearing the suits, hats, and skinny ties that were in style. The ladies would wear acid-wash jeans and what-not.This story is a different version of the original Bardot film that made Roger Vadim a star. In this one, Rebecca De Mornay plays Robin Shea, a convict who wants to make it big as a rock 'n roll star. However, she is doing time for something and she has to wait for her parole. The story that unfolds is the kind of unbelievable pap that came out in the 50's but is set in the 80's. It's just a fairy tale. The story is too mundane to even explain, because you've seen it before.I will say that the acting is mediocre at best. Only Vincent Spano, who plays a decent guy who ends up in cahoots with De Mornay delivers a good performance. Frank Langella sleepwalks his way through his role as a prospective candidate for the governship of New Mexico who also gets involved with De Mornay. De Mornay herself is very cute, but plays a rogue who nobody would approve of. Everyone else is just a cardboard extra. The soundtrack is decent (all movies came out with a soundtrack, it seemed). All in all, not good, but better than the crap coming out today, I guess.