Clarissa Mora
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
I seek out Czech films whenever I can, because they fascinate me. Prague has a strong tradition of theater and animation. They are a coherent enough ethnic group to have an identity. They have an acceptable film school. And — don't laugh — they have the strongest porn industry in Europe. That matters because it feeds independent talent.And they are right next door to Poland, which produces some of the most lyrical cinema (and music) in existence.What fascinates me is how the Czech people, with roughly the same history as the Poles, can produce files that matter so little. I am trying to understand it.This is actually not a bad movie. It is slight in every way but it does not offend. We have a young, absolutely beautiful and always well groomed woman in a World War II prison, held by German occupiers for her involvement as gopher for the resistance. She — apparently along — does not squeal on her comrades. Though Nazis did torture by waterboarding elsewhere, the prison officials here are stern but not violent. We see her history in the resistance in flashback. At the end, she is executed, beheaded offcamera. Clearly this is meant for a Czech audience, and her proud face and conviction meant to reward the viewer. Along the way, we see only a childish perspective. It is precisely as blunt as one would expect from the Germans had they won; a simple poem for national pride. The most important thing she does is sing national songs, and write notes that are smuggled out to form the script.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.