Ancient Evil 2: Guardian of the Underworld
Ancient Evil 2: Guardian of the Underworld
| 05 April 2005 (USA)
Ancient Evil 2: Guardian of the Underworld Trailers

Five jaded young friends foolishly dabble in the dark arts and unleash Anubis, the Egyptian God of the dead, on an unsuspecting New England island. As the body count rises, the survivors must figure out a way to defeat the powerful creature as they fight not only for their lives, but for their very souls.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Executscan Expected more
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
lordzedd-3 Okay, first of all I never heard of spells that will bring gods to earth and make them mummies, that was just silly. Second, if you bring an god to earth and he's undead and out to kill you, don't tease him. They don't like that. Next, I like the idea of having Anubis is cool, but he seemed too decay, how was he suppose to see, he had no eyes. The acting and writing was a tad weak and the plot was basic slasher genre stuff. But even though it didn't make much sense, I did like the Anubis monster design and it did have some interesting lines and a few chuckles a long the way. All and all I say a valiant effort from the makers, who I can tell tried to make a good movie and I give them A for effort. Even with all the problems this movie had it's still watchable and enjoyable and I also give ANCIENT EVIL 2: GUARDIAN OF THE UNDERWORLD 6 STARS.
joeschreiber1 I caught this little honey on DVD last night, at three AM, working third shift in the basement of the hospital...the perfect place, in other words, to check out fast-and-dirty, balls-out, low-budget, whacked-out horror feast.This is the first movie I've seen by whoever D.W. Kann is, but it's not gonna be the last. Kann & Co. drive ANUBIS like a kid's first car, a five-speed deathtrap built out of dynamite and chicken wire. It's got cracked headlights, fenders falling off, and the windshield wipers flipping in every direction -- but it's also painted day-glo red, the Spark-o-Matic's cranked to eleven and there's enough firepower in the trunk to send the whole enterprise halfway to Pluto. And although there are moments when you think whoever's in charge of this thing must be high on glue or steering with their feet, the responsible parties rocket the action forward with the dead-on instincts and passion of somebody who's watched a ton of movies, loves 'em with all their heart and knows what works and what doesn't. Mix it all together with the screwball comedic elements that had me snuffing up my Coke Zero more than once, and you've got raw, uncooked brilliance.In DANSE MACABRE, Stephen King talks about how true horror fans ought to be patient when it comes to the breed of movies they love -- or moments they love in movies that might not be altogether successful. Is ANUBIS perfect? Not by any stretch of the imagination. Is there enough octane here to get your rocks off for an hour and a half? Abso-freakin'-lutely.
Captain_Mullet This movie is pathetic. With that out of the way, I'll continue on to explain why. After about fifteen minutes of watching this movie, the only thing I wanted to do was punch that stupid goth girl in the face. Some of the scenes where she describes her plot drag on, and on, and on. Had there been fewer of these character exposition scenes, or had they been shorter and more dispersed, I might not be as upset with them. The goth girl just had this way of speaking that was excruciatingly repetitive, and made her very hard to listen to for more than two minutes at a time. The movie introduces many characters and gives them varying amounts of lines, only to have them die or leave within minutes, making me really wonder why they were included to begin with. The only worthwhile moment in this entire film is when it makes reference to a movie called "666 Demon Child," which is perhaps the only movie I have ever seen that is worse than this filth. All of this leads me to the final point, Anubis. HE IS THE MOST PATHETIC MONSTER I HAVE EVER SEEN. Now, I have seen zombies move faster, hit harder, and be more frightening than this pathetic fop. Anubis is supposed to be a god made flesh, but he ends up acting more like a middle aged man, unable to do much of anything unless his victims are standing still or making a pathetic attempt at fighting back. He has the trademark sickle, which thankfully he makes good use of occasionally, but he is beaten back by a teenage boy wielding a rock. A rock beats an Egyptian god. He runs like a drunk and while he withstands being chopped with a machete, the rock frightens him into retreating. Perhaps it was blessed. Or, perhaps this movie is a giant crock of festering crap. There is nothing I enjoy more than a low budget movie that makes me laugh. This movie makes me cry.
sdya It says 4 persons of first 10 voters actually voted for 10/10, unbelievable! It's like those Korean voters, always voted Korean movies the top scores in IMDb, no matter how bad the show it was --- same crap they did in last world cup (soccer). Here is an idea, never trust the IMDb voting score, if the show is Korean.On the top of this cheating in vote, the whole show is lousy, it could reach no more than 3/10 amongst most of the audience. So, to bring back the balance, I did as what the other did, voted 1/10 only.Another thing, the plot says the kids unleashed the ancient Egyptian God Anubis in New England, this is the same lousy idea like that one in Constaintine --- a bum discovered the Spear of Destiny in Mexico. Oh, my, why all these Relic of the old continent (Mideast and Africa) all had traveled to Amercia? for the convenience of lousy Hollywod screenplay? or is that because of the fact that the America is the really damned soil, deserving all the evil in the world residing on it?