Ancient Aliens Debunked
Ancient Aliens Debunked
| 27 September 2012 (USA)
Ancient Aliens Debunked Trailers

Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the "ancient astronaut theory" which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others. The film covers topics like: Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek, Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal's rocket, the Nazca lines, the Tolima "fighter jets", the Egyptian "light bulb", Ufo's in ancient art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel's wheel, Ancient nuclear warfare, Vimana's, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Maurie Hartman This is an incredibly thorough analysis of the History Channels productions about Ancient Aliens one might find.The 190 minutes cover many of the "Ancient Aliens" claims, literally one after the other, explaining the scientific and technical faults and distortions, so much so that it appears that the "Ancient Aliens" claims are beyond lack of understanding, becoming so laughable than it appears that many claims are outright lies to support their presuppositions! This clearly makes the "Ancient Aliens" productions by the History Channel a laughable menagerie of silliness. A true embarrassment to the credibility of the History Channel!
everettk The delivery of the audio speech is quite boring, honestly, but the data and debunking are on point, which is what matters in this age of countering so much B.S.The diagrams and pictures of ancient manuscripts are very well thought-out and the author's writing in the script reads like a quality research paper. Well done, Sir, I salute you!Keep up the good debunking work, may we ever seek the truth, though it is most often shrouded.~ Everett from Seattle, Washington, USA
intrepidami To so methodically research and debunk many, many claims by Ancient Aliens and accuse them constantly of bait and switch, and leaps of faith and then spoil it all by throwing in his own debunked tenant belief that ancient Hebrew texts were meticulously handed down perfectly replicated, by offering one example as concrete proof? Don't you realize what you did there? It's their own contention that many of their thoughts, and theories might be wrong, but they just have to be right once to prove their whole point.You did the same thing! You need to go read Bart Ehrmans books on the MYTH that the Bible scrolls were handed down perfectly unaltered son. With over 10,000 known historic alterations/edits/changes before even being translated to paper! Nowadays practically every word has been substituted for another in somebodies translation, but those ancient scribes did plenty of edits themselves! I understand why you believe it, it's been a constant teaching in Christian fundamentalism that the Perfect Bible got handed down perfectly forever, but its just not true and been completely debunked.Shattered glass house.
Yggdrasil Ancient Aliens Debunked is for the most part a proper step-by-step debunking. The 'Ancient Aliens' History Channel show makes many ridiculous claims which are carefully taken apart and refuted.Although the film is rather long, at 3 hours, this is understandable as there is a lot of material to cover. It's clearly structured making it easy to watch the subject you're interested in.Be warned though. The director, Chris White, is a fundamentalist Christian and this unfortunately colors his perception on subjects related to biblical events. I was quite surprised to hear him suddenly make leaps of logic that would not have looked out of place on the 'Ancient Aliens' show. It boggles my mind how someone can analyze and debunk that show so logically and lucidly, while apparently being unable to apply that skill to his own beliefs.Still, I would say 90% of the material presented is worthwhile and interesting. Just don't take White too seriously when he deals with claims involving biblical events.