An American Vampire Story
An American Vampire Story
PG-13 | 24 January 1997 (USA)
An American Vampire Story Trailers

A group of friends go on a vacation with some new friends that turn out to be vampires, they hire a famous vampire killer to help them.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
a_baron Clearly this film was intended to be a comedy; if intentions were dollars, we'd all be billionaires. A teen is left in charge of his parents' home as they take off on vacation, then he and his friend meet a slightly mysterious character on the beach - it helps if you live on the coast. Before he knows it, the mystery man has invited himself into kiddo's home along with his two gorgeous female companions and manservant, the latter of whom, well, you don't want to taste his cooking. Needless to say the ladies are also ladies of the night. No, not prostitutes!At some point, whoever wrote the script decides the film should become serious, well, sort of. That doesn't work either. The script is not so bad, but the plot such as it is leaves much to be desired, and, well, some films just don't work. True, the soundtrack isn't that bad, but the jokes, such as they are, are weaker than the script. Give this one a miss if you have something more interesting to do this weekend. Like watch paint dry.
Bluerose221 I bought this movie at one of those superstore places for a whole dollar. It is okay, but I agree the cover is misleading just like the trailers for Cabin Fever. It would be a good movie to watch at a party where no one is really paying attention to it. Very campy and more funny than scary. But other than that it was worth the buck. Carmen Electra does a fair job. The cover art is far more appealing than the movie. What else is there to say? Except don't rent it or buy it if it is more than a few bucks. And If you are ready to laugh. The music does not go with the movie. But other than that it is just a fun movie and they are banking off the re-release because of Carmen and Dave's Divorce.
amaze122 Don't be too hard on this movie. I myself have also seen many, many movies, both foreign and otherwise, and this was Not a bad movie. When you have seen bad actors in a graveyard, trying to re-incarnate a "dead man" who is some extra wearing a badly fitting dirt-covered mask, then being chased by a flying "alien" baby, which is obviously a doll being suspended from a wire making badly recorded backward-tape sounds, ThEn you have seen a truly bad movie (I forget what the name of it was). The key to ThIs movie is to see it for what it could have been, and not for what it is. And, also, to ignore the camera booms which appear in almost every scene. That was the fault probably of an overly tired camera boom guy, and an obviously comatose editor. The director, however, was actually pretty good, the music for each scene fit perfectly, the acting was kinda good, and the special effects were pretty good. And sometimes they even poked fun at themselves. And as for Adam West, if you have seen his Other acting projects, you would know that this is actually some pretty good acting on his part, the best hands down he has ever done. (My way of saying that this director milked the best possible performance from this guy that he is actually capable of giving)...The girls all looked GrEaT, and acted really well. The makers of this movie were unfathomably jealous of their obviously PG rating, and went to bible-belt-esque pains to retain it; (there could have been more screen acreage devoted to traditionally hot vampire sex moments), but I find it hard to hold that against them too much, it made the movie capable of being watched by kids, and we certainly need more of those...
stapuf Can you let go of the unfulfilled promises written on the cover box? If so, then the true film enthusiast will see the movie for what it is, a decent, entertaining, tongue in cheek camp piece. My take is, the cover box was intentionally created to quickly grab up the "I want to see Carmen Electra get naked crowd" for quick sales that benefited the distributor and left the renter, "high and dry"! It is no wonder they hated it, they were ripped off! Nothing is worse than renting a film with a deceptive cover!!! That is definitely the case with this film. It is clear the filmmaker intended for this story to be told to the pre-teen audience. Look at it from that point of view, and you will see what I saw, nothing more, nothing less. Just a story that youngsters can enjoy.