An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky
An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky
G | 02 July 2013 (USA)
An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky Trailers

Saige Copeland is a talented artist who loves horses. She's pumped up about the new school year and seeing her best friend Tessa. But that changes when Tessa seems to be hanging out with another girl and when art class is cut. Saige, now trapped, goes to her grandmother for help and takes action. Saige now must face her fear and overcome her stage fright. Can Saige let go of her fears and her jealousy to shine bright and regain her friendship with Tessa?

Alicia I love this movie so much
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Elena G Some of the American Girl movies made in the past were way better than this one! What bothered me the most is that they use 11, 12, and 13 yr old actresses and say in the movie that they are NINE ! Really ??!! That is embarrassing and ridiculous !! Even my 9 yr old noticed that these girls are NOT 9 ! Not to mention that the characters in these newer AG movies are portrayed as super-ultra talented kids that are good at everything! The make-up even make them look more mature that they are in real life !How sad...
SnoopyStyle In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saige Copeland is 9 years old and loves to paint. Her father (Kerr Smith) is flying a balloon at the local festival. Her best friend Tessa has a new friend Dylan from music camp. Tessa seems to have more in common with Dylan now. New kid Gabi Peña tries to befriend Saige. Budget cuts have forced art class to alternate with music class and this year, the art class is cut. Her grandma Mimi (Jane Seymour) suggests a protest against the cut. Sidney Fullmer is a charming lead without too much overacting. Saige is no saint as she struggles to find her way. Her difficulties with her best friend are well done. It is a little light weight but it's a good movie for young girls.
vchimpanzee Saige enjoys going outside and painting, as well she should. She lives in a beautiful area of the Southwestern U.S. And her design for a hot-air balloon has been accepted for the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.Saige hasn't seen her best friend Tessa all summer. But Tessa has been away at music camp and has a new friend Dylan who she met there, who happens to be in their fourth-grade class. And Tessa and Dylan still want to spend time together, leaving Saige out. There is a new girl Gabi who likes art and lives near Saige's grandmother Mimi.There is more bad news. Due to budget cuts, there will be no art class this year. Music class will be offered instead, though art will be back next year in place of music.It is a tradition for Mimi, a noted artist, to lead the Fiesta's parade riding her horse Picasso. She is also working on a mural. Mimi hears about Saige's situation and says an artist never gives up. She also tries to get Saige to try new techniques, but Saige doesn't like change. Perhaps Saige can find the solution to her problem at school.Then Mimi has an accident and Saige puts all her focus on her grandmother (including taking care of her dog Rembrandt). Mimi tells Saige she should still work on getting art class back.Saige and the other girls start working on a plan to get art class back, which will require raising funds. Dylan's mother is a journalist, which will help. The girls face many obstacles and sometimes it appears they will give up. One problem is that Dylan seems to think everything is all about her. Another is that Saige is afraid to speak in public.Meanwhile. Mimi has her own set of challenges as she tries to recover. And she is not following her own advice. She is giving up too easily and needs someone to push her. One thing she will not do no matter how hard she tries is ride in the parade, but perhaps Saige can.So, will the girls and Mimi overcome their obstacles? Can art class be restored?Everyone learns moral lessons as well as the ability to overcome whatever is in the way. And there is nothing offensive. This movie is for all ages, but mostly for kids.Jane Seymour does a wonderful job here. She still looks as beautiful in some scenes as she did in her "Dr. Quinn" days. In other scenes, but not all of the ones where she should, she looks like a feeble old woman. She does it all very well. And I have to say I sort of understand what Mimi went through, except she was hurt worse than I was last January. More of her physical therapy might have been nice to see. I know I didn't give up the way she did, and at some point we would have seen progress.Omar Paz Trujillo is very good as Luis, who takes care of Picasso.Sidney Fullmer does a good job too.Tessa is too cute most of the time. In some scenes she is more than "Cool!" "BEYOND Beyond!" and "Awesome!" But she should have been more than that.Dylan makes a very good villain, but we do learn there is more to her.I was disappointed during the opening credits when the music I was enjoying ended only to replaced with the garbage that passes for music in the view of today's ten-year-old girls, which are the obvious target audience here. The good news is there is not a lot of that so-called music. Real music is in the background for many scenes--this is the music without words. Even when Tessa and Dylan sing, if it is with a solo guitar or a piano, it does pass for music. The best song (without words) is used for the scene where Saige is painting a white horse (probably Picasso) different colors. When Saige and Gabi look at Mimi's mural, another very good song starts but quickly gets replaced with garbage.Regardless of the style of music, the kids who can sing (Saige can't) are talented. Some of them can dance too. The big show is quite a spectacular effort for fourth-graders.And the art is great too.It's a worthy effort, definitely deserving of the series "American Girl".
kittygirl6 I have always enjoyed the American Girl movies and the values they teach, but this one has been by far the one I have enjoyed the most. It has an easy to follow plot for children and scenes that will keep them interested in the movie while showing them skills they will need to cope with life's issues. One thing that caught my attention was that Saige's grandmother's home there was a fireplace with a fire, but the movie takes place in a warm climate, so I found it a little strange that a fireplace was lit. Jane Seymour's acting was excellent, as always and she really gave the character a warmth that was vital to touching scenes like when she meets Saige at the Fiesta.All in all, I simply loved this movie and I have to say that this is one of my favorite American Girl movies.