America: A Tribute to Heroes
America: A Tribute to Heroes
| 21 September 2001 (USA)
America: A Tribute to Heroes Trailers

A benefit concert and telethon organized by George Clooney and broadcast uninterrupted and commercial-free by the four major television networks just 10 days after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon to raise money for the victims and their families,

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
coverme6 The stars of all the categories of the sports and entertainmentindustries combine their efforts to raise money for those deeplyaffected by the multiple tragedies that took place on September the 11th. In the form of a 2-hour marathon, the celebrities involved did their parts by giving anecdotes about the victims in the buildings and planes, and the brave people who risked their lives trying to save total strangers. Other activities done by the stars in the show were helping out in the telethon's phonelines, and to play heartfelt music in reference to that grave day.
mephisto-ra I understood the premise for the special. And for a time I could see. As things progressed this became more and more depressing. At a time when America needed to mourn the loss of so many and prepare for a long drawn out war Hollywood could only give us sappy. This should not have been just a depressing "I'm an actor and I care" special. It should have let America know that things were going to be alright again. This let the country know all is lost, for we can never show resolve. What could have been a message to the world that America will not stop being the country they wish they were in, was nothing but a weepy feel sorry for ourselves ego-fest. Bob Hope performed to soldiers in battle and was able to make them laugh and feel better, it is a shame that in this politically correct age we cannot see as well. Maybe this wouldn't have been as bad were it not for the performances. Two stick out as ludicriuse(sp). Neil Young singing John Lennon's masterpiece 'Imagine' was quite possibly the greatest cover mistake ever. Lennon was a legend and Young is...well nobody has figured out that he isn't any good yet, and to sing that song that bad should be a crime. He would have been better off reworking the only song he ever wrote that was good 'Ohio' for the WTC. The other performance that sticks out was Limp Bizkut doing 'wish you were here' by Pink Floyd. This was not near as bad, and was quite good. The only problem was watching knowing that Pink Floyd was probably sitting at home with nothing better to do and would have done a better job. True we have not had to mourn like this before and had to start somewhere, but they should have done a dry run on maybe a single channel in Zaire to test the response before being on every channel in the greatest country in the world.
bamptonj Syndicated throughout the world to raise funds for the families of persons deceased or injured after the horrific bombings of September 11, this tele-special raised an exobernant amount of money for such a noble cause. It demonstrates Hollywood's quick response to the tragedy, and a extremely wide range of actors and musicians are featured. Teary eyed Chris Rock, Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, and Lucy Lui are among many who reveal the many personal experiences of those killed or suffering as a result of the day of tragedy. World-reknown musicians are also featured, either covering or performing original numbers in an attempt to uncover some sense amidst the travesty, Neil Young for instance performs an captivating - even if sacrilegious - version of "Imagine". In the finale, the wide range of actors and musicians sing the American Anthem.
cellis25 This TV special is a true honor to watch as actors and musicians gather to show homage to those who died in the wake of terrorist attacks on America. The actors give shortened asides to describe the firefighters, policemen and innocent civilians who were involved in the catastrophic event of September 11, 2001. The various singers pour out heart-felt songs that eerily describe the terrorist act. Worth noting, Bruce Springsteen steals the show with his rendition of "My City's in Ruin".