R | 20 June 1998 (USA)
Ambushed Trailers

Jim Natter, the leader of a violent Kuk Klux Klan lodge, is shot dead. His teenage son Eric Natter is found nearby, and taken into police custody for his protection pending the investigation. While four cops drive him to a safe-house, they are ambushed. Three of them shot dead, including Deputy Lawrence, and his black partner Jerry Robinson is accused of the murders.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
EliCash4ever This movie was ok. It was nothing great, but it was watchable. If you have anything better to do, don't watch this, but if you're absolutely bored, watch it. I thought AMBUSHED was 'entertaining' - at times it was suspenseful and it had some good action scenes, but in parts it was also unintentionally funny - ex. When the KKK is chasing the black policeman, they go through the sewer, and the KKK guy tells his comrade to go first - "Why not you?" "I'm wearing a suit." Maybe the filmmakers were trying to add some humor to this movie. Whatever it was, I thought it was funny and quite out of place if this movie hoped to be serious and not absurd.
George Parker "Ambushed" is no ordinary action flick. It's much to bad to be ordinary. One man walks toward another with a machine gun blazing. The other man fires one round and fells the man with the greater fire power without so much as a nick from the hail of lead raining down on him. Guess which one is the good guy. Duh. Such is "Ambushed" through and through. Not a good action flick, not a good drama, not a good movie, "Ambushed" fails on all levels with it's cast of B-movie veterans mechanically going through the motions almost as though they know they're making a real loser. Not recommended for anyone.
mmarcellus Clearly a small-budget, big passion undertaking. Terrific cast. The KKK milieu surrounds and informs the movie's big relationship--a black FBI detective framed for the murder of a Klansman who must go on the lam with the murdered Klansman's young son. How the boy begins to question his father's beliefs and how the agent acquires compassion for this white-hating boy in the crucible of their enforced togetherness make for compelling viewing. Gritty, truthful, iconoclastic offering in the tradition of "to Kill A Mockingbird."
Dogzilla This movie is generally okay but, it's not a movie I would call fantastic. The movie generally has a good plot and a bit of adequate directing. But however, the movie has a very poor setting which makes it look like a typical TV movie. On the other hand, the movie lets us see the effects of racism and corruption in our American society incorporated into a lot of thrilling action. It's a movie worth viewing when you are bored but, it's not a movie I would recommend to top action movie lovers.
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