| 11 November 1999 (USA)
Ambush Trailers

It is the summer of 1941 and the Finnish army has been mobilized along the border with Russia. A platoon led by Lt. Eero Perkola is waiting for orders to go on the offensive. The platoon receives orders for a recon mission through the wilderness around the Lieksa lake to search for possible Russian defensive positions.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Liisa Mountain Before anyone can judge this movie, PLEASE take the time to consider others comments.Well I personally love the movie dearly. It is in my blood, literally. A few years back my mother and I were invited to see this film at the Finnish Embassy in Ottawa. My mother being a Finlander thought this would be an interesting movie. We both very much enjoyed it and were dually haunted by this film. When my mother went back to Finland the other year to visit relatives with her mother, they discovered the true significance of this movie. It turns out that this movie is actually about my mothers grandfather. So my great grandfather and really as I loved this movie, it is a real understatement to what happened to him during the war. His real name was Perkkola Savinainen and the movie hardly shows his real escapades, or even his friendship to the Fin President, Mannerhaim. Even after the war, of what happened to my family, having to escape into Sweden to escape from being shipped to Siberia. This movie is honestly I believe a very very excellent movie and I will never forget it. Liisa Savinainen MountainI wrote the above comment in 2006 and as I have recently read through some of the comments, which I had not done before, I noticed that many people questioned the story and it's liability. PLEASE read other comments before you judge this movie, for it is a true story, again based on my great grandfather. I would really appreciate anyone not dismissing the plausibility of the story. The real events of that war are beyond the tellings of a movie. If anyone would truly like to know how he died, was from given the wrong blood years later after the war. He had been shot through the head, then skied it was about 50 miles, then received the transfusion of the wrong type. I do understand that this movie is one of events that people don't really believe and yes I do find it is an understatement. I have several pictures from his tasks during the war. It must be remembered that in Finnish history, the suffered many wars between both Russia and Sweden, the Germans and others. The Finns didn't support the Nazis but if your country is forced to defend themselves, and there was scarce any money for weapons.. The Germans did abuse the Finns, as many were sent to Italy. The numbers the Finns faced against the Russians sometimes were 20-1 and not in the Finns favour. War truly is a hard thing, and this movie tried to show something that had happened that many didn't know of. Perhaps other readers may understand that it was not necessarily the wish of my family to have everything played over for us again. My grandfather and great uncle were in his platoon that were featured in the movie, though the names and relations were changed, I was able to watch them fight and suffer just like I was actually there.
DarknessOntheEdgeofTown It's a shame they made a "Hollywood" movie out of it. Even though it does tell something about the situation Finland was in during that time, the movie looks like one made in Hollywood.The battle scenes were unrealistic with the characters heroically running in the forest even though the air is full of bullets and kill many of the Russians while at it (pretty much like a Rambo or Commando but not that far out). Also, the love story plays too big a role in the movie.I don't mean it's a bad movie but if you want to really get an idea of the Winter War or the Continuation War, try to see The Unknown Soldier (Tuntematon sotilas, 1955) or The Winter War (Talvisota) or read the books. Of the American depictions of war (in films), only Band of Brothers comes close to what The Unknown Soldier and The Winter War deliver.
ouija-3 I was disappointed with this film. It is an uneasy mixture of Hollywood-style shallow love story and a war film. For a Finnish film the film looked and sounded wonderful, but love story between the main characters was not successful, and the lovemaking scene at the beginning in front of a fireplace is silly.The action sequences and the suspense scenes were, on the other hand, very well done, especially when the Finnish soldiers explore an abandoned house. And the music was great.What disturbed was the way the Russians were depicted as cruel barbarians as opposed to the more or less heroic Finns. But on the whole, this is a mildly pleasing time-killer.
Jarno Rukajärven tie is a great war movie (maybe it takes a Finn to really *feel* this deeply), the characters are beautifully depicted (again, elementary Finnish history knowledge will help here), but it is an even better love story. Anyone, who has really been in love, will be greatly moved by the development of the relationship between Eero and Kaarina. If you did not "get" the love story, see the movie again in e.g. 5 years..After seeing the movie in a theater in Helsinki, I resisted buying the VHS release, since I knew that DVD format would do MUCH better justice to the films wonderful cinematography and sound design. I picked up the DVD from Helsinki airport this month, and it really delivers! Dolby Digital 5.1 sound (the same format as I heard in the theater), and widescreen format video (enhanced for widescreen TVs). Subtitles are provided in many languages, and extras are also plenty (the Finnish menus have more extras than English). The disk is NOT region restricted, but will require a PAL capable player and display (Americans beware). The only improvement I could think of would be NTSC formatted version on the other side of the disk.
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