Altered Species
Altered Species
| 01 September 2001 (USA)
Altered Species Trailers

Altered Species is a 2001 horror film, about a scientist who has found a way to regenerate damaged tissue in the body. He has tried his experiment on rats, but the effects are disastrous. One of them grows to 50 times its normal size, and attempts to destroy the laboratory.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Michael_Elliott Altered Species (2001) * (out of 4) A professor is trying to cure cancer and of course doing experiments on rats who eventually escape and go on a killing spree. This is yet another film that deals with an animal going crazy and killing people but this one here is pretty bad from start to finish. The acting, directing and screenplay are all beyond horrid but thankfully the film gets so bad that you can't help but laugh. The director tries throwing all sorts of gore at the viewer but the killings are so bad that you can't help but laugh. We also get some nudity but not enough to keep the film moving. Go rent The Killer Shrews instead.
garylovesrodentz wow....I can't even begin to describe how this movie has changed my life. Before i saw rodents i had no reason to live. Now that has all changed.there were so many spectacular parts to this movie, i couldn't possibly list them all... but to list a few: -the acting was the highest quality i've ever seen -special effects had me on the edge of my seat the whole time -the sex scenes got me off more than any boyfriend i've had in the pastThis movie scared me so much, i had to borrow a pair of my grandma's "Depends" so i didn't ruin any furniture. This deserves an academy award for one of the best thrillers of all time...if you haven't seen this insane flick i suggest very highly that you go rent it right away. the effect it has is indelible on your soul. beautiful, just beautiful.there is nothing that can compare to this movie. it will touch you in ways you have never even dreamed of being touched and you will love every second of it. god bless the crew that created this incredible masterpiece. it is a breath of fresh air, better than free-balling it on a breezy summer day.thank you all for your time. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.
ResidentHazard Well then. I just watched an crap-load of movies--all with varying degrees of quality. I wasn't too sure about which one I wanted to review first. Then it hit me like a sack-a-rats: Rodentz. Warn people about Rodentz. This monstrosity stars nobody and is painfully dull to sit through. And it's about mutant rats killing people. Yeah... real freaking' original. "Food of the Gods," or "Willard" anyone? Those were better than this, and that doesn't say much...**POSSIBLE SPOILER**Okay here's the story: Inna laboratory the scientist and his plucky assistant are experimenting on rats and their laboratory is in a crappy neighborhood and crappy building and the plucky assistant's moronic friends show up drunk and everyone becomes food for the crazed rats and just about everybody dies and, oh yeah, there's one giant rat that looks crappy, but it gets killed, the end. There, all in once sentence! Spoiler, you say? Ppfff!! I beg to differ! The second we all realize that there's a giant rat, we all know it's gonna die eventually!!**END SPOILER**Here's the breakdown:The Good: --Well, I watched it for free, but for everyone else... hmmm, no. There's nothing good here. Didn't Hurt It, Didn't Help: --Um... well. the gore was decent. --Very average cinematography. --CG rats not as bad as they could've been in some shots...The Bad: --...and in other shots, the CG rats were pathetically cheap-looking. Look, if your film has a low budget, maybe you shouldn't rely on CG. Lesson to take to heart. --The acting is extremely poor.--The characters are beyond uninteresting--we have a mish-mash of clichés and none of them are even done that well. --Booooooooooooring.--Been done before--plenty of times. --Stupid story, just stupid.--Giant rat looks like fat man in poorly conceived bear costume--that was kind of funny--but not funny enough to give this film any worth.--Retarded, unrealistic, and boring dialog. --All the college student rat chow people are drinking Tequila from huge plastic milk jugs--and yet they don't appear to be drunk for anything longer than a few seconds. Way to stick with continuity, guys.The Ugly: --This film is bad. Simply terrible. Worse than you might imagine. It's not even laughably bad like, for instance, "Scarecrow" (2002) or "House of the Dead." Now those movies are crap you can enjoy. Even if they do make you stupider.Memorable Scene: --The lame action-movie ending, complete with uninjured heroes and explosion. Because it didn't feel at all like the rest of this monstrosity--but still sucked.Acting: 2/10 Story: 1/10 Atmosphere: 2/10 Cinematography: 4/10 Character Development: 0/10 Special Effects/Make-up: 4/10 Nudity/Sexuality: 1/10 (I was tending to my son occasionally during the film, so I may have missed it, but was supposedly in there) Violence/Gore: 4/10 Dialogue: 2/10 Music: 1/10 (average for the time) Writing: 1/10 Direction: 2/10Cheesiness: 7/10 Crappiness: 9/10Overall: 1/10Watch it only if you love rat and vermin-based horror films. Wait... Check that. Don't watch it. It's crap.(
MATTBONTA It started out all right *(Might be spoilers ahead)* with a science lab and a couple of scientists working on rats. It looks promising for a B-Indie film, but as soon as the makers bust out the crappy CGI I lost interest. There is great gore in the film, but they use CGI for unnessesary(I totally "fluffed" up that word) scenes when they could have used real looking stuff. The acting is under par and they dub in dialogue everytime the actor's head is turned, I have one word for that: LAME. Well, it was fun to joke around about, but if you're looking for a good movie I suggest picking up whatever is next to this one on the shelf.