All Hell Broke Loose
All Hell Broke Loose
| 01 December 2009 (USA)
All Hell Broke Loose Trailers

After serving his county in the Civil War as a skilled sharpshooter, Will Drayton moved West in search of employment using his shooting skills. He ends up with the wrong type of people as a deadly assassin.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
writetopcat The worst movie I have ever seen, of any genre. The dialogue was awful, the acting was awful, and much of it did not make sense. Will Drake, the civil war sniper reputed to be able to hit a man from 1000 yards away, was hired by the owner of a bank to help protect his bank from a gang operating in the area. Will took his rifle out to practice. He set a coffee pot on a stump about 10 yards away and could not hit the thing. When he held the rifle on the target, the muzzle end was swaying all around just before he fired. He is a sniper?!?The bank owner said he would be situated a long way from the bank, and picking off bank robbers from a distance. He had sought out Will Drake specifically because he was a skilled long range shooter (supposedly). But Will set up his rifle in a hotel room right across the street from the bank. When it came time to shoot, he missed the first 5 times he fired, FROM ACROSS THE STREET!Even David Carradine's performance in this movie was bad, WAY below the level of acting he delivered in his other work. The conversations between characters is very hard to watch and listen to. It seems that they filmed one guy speaking his line, then filmed another guy speaking his line, and so on. Later they tried to piece it all together. It is disjointed. The delivery of the lines was awful also. There are some poorly made films which are nonetheless fun to watch: Plan 9 From Outer Space is one. But this film is just bad. If you have not seen it, don't.
gt65-799-292643 Combine a western and David Carradine and you would think you could not lose but this film actually manages to disappoint.Starting with the video, there is something terribly wrong. It looks like a failed class project at a film school. The transition between shots is rough and occasionally mistimed. The quality itself gives the appearance that main characters were filmed in front of a projection screen rather than on scene.The audio is horrible. It sounds as if the entire audio track was recorded in a studio and then dubbed onto the film. It does not always appear to coincide with the mouth movements of the actors. The background sounds seem to be missing and just do not sound natural.The acting is horrible with some characters appearing to simply be reading for a part.I actually bought the used Blu-Ray for $1.34 thinking I could not lose. I was wrong.
umacooter2 Possibly the worst video ever made. Who financed this crud? Criminal use of equipment and bozo talent from the director, down. Even Carradine looks bedraggled and embarrassed for the five or so pointless minutes he's in this bomb. The actors are so amateurish as to be embarrassing. The post-production voice dubbing makes characters sound like they're in a recording studio. The script is simply phenomenally and unbearably childish. Even the costumes are bogus...made-in-china versions of a smattering of different periods, mostly Dollar Store. The buildings are cheap facades or obviously your uncle's vacation cabin. Everyone wears biker's collars! A few of the sidearms are big and bulky, but this pathetic director has made the saddest Leone attempt in history with enough time, gear, money and people to make at least one blade of grass watchable...and nothing is. Some adults should have manned the equipment and allowed a class of first-graders write and act exactly as they pleased and it would have been "Once Upon A Time In The West" in comparison to this donkey. Actually...maybe it was a bunch of first-graders. Even the beards were stupid looking. Message to director Christopher Forbes: you've managed to make every error in the film world and then some. Learn IMMENSE amounts from this or look for another line of work.
FightingWesterner I'll give this a little bit of credit for not being stupid and not being obnoxious, but a film has to have something to offer other than not being stupid or obnoxious to make it worth watching.I wanted this movie to succeed but the writers seemed to have forgotten one of the first rules of writing a script. Unlike a book that takes place primarily in the character's head, a movie is a story told primarily in pictures.In other words, All Hell Broke Loose has too much talk and not enough action or interesting visuals.The performances of David Carradine and lead actor Jim Hilton are decent, but that's about all this has going for it.What's really and truly sad is that this amateurish production is Carradine's last western appearance, pitiful considering his enjoyable past work in "Kung Fu" and The Long Riders.