All for Veronica
All for Veronica
| 03 February 1939 (USA)
All for Veronica Trailers

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
cynthiahost This was his early beginnings as a director and at the moment he wasn't directing any national socialist propaganda.Beside this was shot in non Nazi Austria.Thekla Ahrens plays Veronica,Veronica Sunday,what a funny name.She's the sale lady for selling shirts At Switzerland s big department store ,Tutzingers.Hans Mosar plays the director.Gerthe Wieser plays Annie the second sales lady,who works with Veronica.Carl Esmond, plays Paul in the music sheet department,who's in love with Veronica.Theo Lingens plays the floor manager,who tries to pick up women at the coffee shops when he's not working.Well one day Veronica is asked to model a fur piece and it excites her so much that she wishes that it was hers.This is my guess, but, Hilda Hildabrand plays Dora and Hubert Von Meyerink plays her husband.One day she gets so bored she decides to visit her ex employer,the department store and her old fellow workers ,which included Veronica and Grethe.The actress who plays Miss Sunday seems to be very average,which is unusual for a film production to have this type as the lead, but,I think she is in the Janet Gaynor type .Well with the help of Dora ,Veronica is being invited with her boyfriend on the weekend ,in the mountains of Switzerland.So excited she decides to borrow the fur ,hopefully she would not get caught.This is when it's found out that its missing ,from detective,played by Clemens Hasse.Hilda sings one of her Torch songs at the night club.After having a wonderful weekend at the Swiss mountains,all the employees including her boy friend are being questions.Veronica forgets to put back the stole.One of the sale ladies get it and present it to Moser.He question Veronica about the stole.She doesn't say nothing.Moser does no know what to do with Esmond come to save the day ,Hilda shows up claiming that she bough the coat and forgot to pay the check and give it to Moser,but finds out the stole was already at the store .She smiles and takes the stole and Moser drops the charges against veronica.This was one of you average films that your German audiences saw from 1933 to 45 out side of those propaganda ones 08/7/13