All American Zombie Drugs
All American Zombie Drugs
| 25 July 2010 (USA)
All American Zombie Drugs Trailers

Vinny and Sebastion, two burnouts, going nowhere in small town suburbia and still riding the high of their high-school days, start a business doing the only thing they have ever excelled at...drugs. With the help of a jealous girlfriend and a rich goth chick, Vinny and Sebastion take on the mob, angry, geeky, frat-boys, and zombies in the search of the perfect high.

FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Terri Wilson "All American Zombie Drugs," written and directed by Alex Ballar, falls into the category of social commentary comedy, and I say that so that you don't go into it thinking that you're going to see a horror comedy along the lines of "Shaun of the Dead." While there are several jump-scares and plenty of nods to the genre both in plot and effects, the heart of this story lies in the comedy it mines from the funny that life creates all on its own.Best friends Vinny and Sebastion (played by Wolfgang Weber and Beau Nelson, respectively) are a couple of burnouts who live their lives in a drug-induced haze. Though laying around an apartment, taking hits off the communal bong, and occasionally wandering outside in search of some chili cheese fries seems like a pretty easy life to say the least, the pair are not without their personal issues. Vinny is plagued by visions of his brother Michael (played by Alex Ballar) who died from a drug overdose and tries to get Vinny to give up drugs and avoid the path that he himself took. Sebastion is a narcoleptic who humps anything and anyone in his sleep, thinking that he is having sex with various women. Unfortunately, none of the women that he dreams about dry-humping (sleep-humping?) are his girlfriend Kara (played by Susan Graham), so she is angry and hurt by his (sort-of) infidelity. Add to this a general lack of cash-flow, and soon access to weed, munchies, and a roof over their heads appears to be coming to an abrupt end.What to do? Give up drugs and get a job? Oh hell, no! Vinny and Sebastion devise a plan to run their own business: drug dealers! All they have to do is create a new drug that gives a user the perfect high, and they will be rolling in the dough. But first, they need an investor to help them buy the necessary materials. Enter Kara's friend, goth-chick Melissa (played by Natalie Irby) who lives in her rich parents' house with access to their money and a more than passing interest in Vinny. Soon enough, the foursome has invented a potent drug that becomes all the local rage. But as time goes on, the side effects get stranger and stranger."All American Zombie Drugs" has a lot going for it. A tight ensemble cast at its core brings believability to their characters. While we can laugh at their antics and the situations that they get themselves into, not a single one of the main four characters ever devolves into a cartoon character. This isn't Cheech and Chong. It's smart comedy with realistic performances. Also aiding in that believability is Ballar's subtle writing and evenhanded directing. At no point do you feel like someone is bashing you over the head with an after-school special. Add to the mix a plethora of quirky side characters, from mobsters to high school nerds to college frat boys, and you've got a funny and entertaining 99 minutes.
james_depaolo All American Zombie Drugs on the surface may sound like yet another one of those low budget zombie comedies, which at times it is, but this film with its odd little charm and very interesting characters and dialogue will win you over by the end of the film. This film centers around two slackers who are the kids that you knew in school would never really amount to anything, and that being Vinny and Sebastian who after a chance meeting with a kid they bullied in school named Barry, decide that they should get into the drug business. Well, as you can guess things do not go as planned and our hapless duo who with the help of Sebastian's insane girlfriend and her best friend seem to encounter geeks, gangsters and zombies.This film starts off oddly enough, with some very odd humor that I am not sure whether I should have laughed or been scared to keep going with the film. To see a guy who claims he suffers from narcolepsy dry humping on anything was an odd way of introducing us to a character who we would want to invest in. The humor was hit and miss, the hit stuff was not really laugh out loud funny but maybe oddly amusing. The miss stuff was not as bad as it could have been, it was not irritating or boring, it was a comedian who you think can make a joke that will catch your attention trying to warm up with not so funny material. When the drug addicts turn to zombies is when this film really showcases what it can do, and that was the part I would recommend to anyone to give this film a shot. Alex Ballar who directed this film, also has a bit role as the deceased brother and conscience of one of the characters who is trying to make them stop using drugs and maybe growing up.This film for the most part is really a fun ride. It has a few bumps here and there, but overall I really like this film. The title though is a bit deceptive because this film is not what you will expect if you think this is going to be Zombieland or even Mourning Wood. This film has so much charm and personality, that you can overlook the negatives because by the end of the film you know you are going to be very entertained. This film almost guarantees that Alex Ballar's best days are coming. This film is comedy, zombies and lots of fun. You are really going to be entertained by this film, and I really hope we see more from Alex soon.
theaboo2003 The story of two stoner's looking for a change in life and the affect that has on others.They take you along a path you don't want to get off.Along the way the writer used a comedic style that not only will have you laughing but wondering of life's possibilities.Overall the production value satisfies all the senses.Keep up the good work!!Having watch a lot of movies that made the grade and or fell short this is one that hits the mark.So if your looking for a fun movie that keeps your attention I can say without hesitation this is a must see.Whether your a stoner a parent or young adult all can benifit from the lesson's revealed.
snowbot911 Really unexpected film. So fresh and hard to categorize. Entertaining, thought provoking, and ultimately has a comment on the human, living and undead, condition we might all find ourselves in. The characters are completely fleshed out and are so different from each other. This is hard to do folks - requires some real writing! The acting is subtle and compelling. The 4 leads bring a real STAR quality that is so rare in small films. The plot is contagious. One of my favorite sequences is when the now drug sellers only have to stand and wait for the customers who come running. I'm a big fan of Horror and the Zombie scenes are a lot of fun to watch. I would highly recommend "Zombie Drugs!"