Let's be realistic.
disgusting, overrated, pointless
It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
My husband and I did enjoy this movie. The pacing was lively and interesting. The characters were all appealing and the actress playing Charlotte is really beautiful. She reminded me of Gene Tierney. But most of the story is just sex and sex in all combinations. The jams they got into were entertaining, but we did not watch the ending. For me the very best thing about this movie was the song, Charlotte sang. I loved it, loved her voice, loved the quietness of it. Would very much like to hear more music like that.
Tom Dooley
Charlotte is in a relationship with Micha who is a veterinary with sultry 'come hither' looks and a line in Gallic charm so bewildering that he could melt the coldest heart. Charlotte is a chanteuse after losing her job and has a best friend in struggling criminal lawyer Melodie.The problem is the couple's relationship is going through one of those blue periods and Charlotte has more than a friendship going on with Melodie – this is all behind Micha's back. He also has a thing for Melodie and it is an itch he is desperate to have a good scratch at. She though likes both of them and is desperate to keep them both in her life; but can she?Now this is a film that has withering charm from the start and more on screen chemistry than a smorgasbord of periodic tables. The story is basically between the three of them and everyone else are all just bit players on their stage. It descends to farce on more than one occasion and can be very funny but this adds to the charm and the human frailty of the situation and the characters.It is one I just loved from the start – it is obviously in French and the sub titles do leave a bit to be desired but are OK for the most part. That said it is still a brilliantly made, small but perfectly formed piece of French cinema.
mark chapman
I loved this film: funny, sexy, sad, frustrating, erotic, beautiful, touching, memorable, cool, but above all, so French. Having watched Love, and the American series You Me Her - which I got fed up with and never finished watching, I approached this with some trepidation and expected disappointment. The whole boy lives with girl who has a female lover who is also a friend to them both but then gets involved with the boy as well could've resulted in a complete mess but is handled so deftly by this young director. I will definitely look out his other films. The actors are great: good looking, sexy, and convincing. The young lawyer reminded me of Emannuelle Beart: she went from pretty and demure to sexy vixen to hard as steel. A star in the making. Loved it! And any film that uses the music if Richard Hawley gets my vote any day!
Jerome Bonnell has given us yet another of his quirky yet charming and hard-to-classify 'little' movies. He came to my attention initially with La Chignon d'Olga which I loved in the cinema and bought on DVD as soon as it became available. Waiting For Someone fell a tad short but now he is back on form with putting a spin on the time-honoured menage a trois cliché by giving us what appears to be on the surface a boy- girl affair with the girl's best friend seemingly playing gooseberry until we learn that the girls are bi-sexual and long-time lovers and, to add a touch of piquancy, both also love the boy and he is not about to be the first guy in history to turn his nose up at sex with two lovely ladies. It's all light as air and would have trouble making the weight as a soufflé'.