Alien Siege
Alien Siege
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Alien Siege Trailers

A scientist fights to save his daughter when she is chosen as one of the eight million human beings who are kept hostage by an alien species in order to save their planet.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Paul Andrews Alien Siegestarts as the planet Earth is under threat, a race of humanoid aliens known as Kulkus have attacked & many lives have been lost, with their superior technology we didn't stand a chance. The Kulkus as a race are dying, a virus is killing their entire planet & the only known cure for the virus is human blood. The Kulkus need eight million people to sacrifice, they need that blood & each country on Earth has decided to donate a certain percentage of the Kulkus demand. America has agreed to donate eight hundred thousand people with volunteers making up a large portion, unfortunately the rest of those to be sacrificed are decided by a lottery & Heather Chase (Erin Ross) has been chosen. Heather's scientist father Stephen (Brad Johnson) is distraught & after Heather is taken away to be delivered to the Kulkus he teams up with a resistance in order to get her back & try to defeat the Kulkus once & for all before anymore innocent lives are lost...Directed by Robert Stadd this made for telly sci-fi film has lofty ambitions but not the budget or know how to see them through, in fact when all said & done Alien Siege is a rather sloppy sci-fi thriller with little to recommend it. The script has some race of aliens visit Earth in search of a cure to a virus that is wiping them out & in order to make the cure they human blood & lots of it, this had a decent amount of potential to be a good sci-fi alien invasion flick but the sloppy script & low budget ruin it. There are obvious problems from the word go, even though the Kulkus need human blood it's never made clear why they need to kill eight million people to get it rather than say have eighty million donors each donate a pint of blood each which wouldn't actually kill anyone or have any long lasting harmful effects, would it? I am sure the earth authorities would be prepared to do this & I am sure the hostility between the Kulkus & the human race wouldn't be there, also it's mentioned the worm hole in which the Kulkus travelled to Earth is only one way as far as living matter goes but surely blood is living matter? How did Heather's father find out about her being chosen in the lottery before she did herself? To me Alien Siege felt like a cross between the telly series V in which aliens visit Earth in huge spaceships from a dying planet to harvest humans & Independence Day (1996) with the Government scientist who uses the aliens own technology against them after he has studied for years after a Kulkus ship crashed, to be fair to it at least it moves along at a good pace & even though it's got some plot holes & dull character's it's eventful. The script tries to give the Kulkus aliens personality & a society of their own, the film has both the politics of humans & the Kulkus to try & balance both sides out with our humanity rubbing off one some of the Kulkus but it has little effect & by the end it's a typical humans versus nasty aliens sci-fi film.The CGI computer effects vary, some of the space scenes are quite nice as are one or two of the spaceship effects but there are some really bad CGI effects here too so be warned. The Kulkus look exactly like human beings (to save money, hey alien make-up effects cost money) except that they have this blue patch of something on their cheek which is never explained or even mentioned. There are a few shoot-outs & a few people are gorily shot to get it an 'R' rating but otherwise there's no graphic gore here. The whole film screams made for telly, it's bland & dull & while competent totally forgettable. There's one odd scene in which an alien Kulkus guard fires a laser at a car & it blows up yet in the very next shot he fires it at a lorry & yet there's not even so much as a scratch, why? OK a lorry is bigger than a car but not necessarily made from anything any stronger, is it?Although set in America & space Alien Siege was actually filmed in Bulgaria. The acting isn't great, one time Hollywood star Carl Weathers has a small role & is looking pretty old these days.Alien Siege is an ambitious sci-fi that has alien invasions, interplanetary politics & some huge plot holes that make no sense if you think about them that is watchable in an undemanding way but it simply has to many flaws to even approach anything near good.
JaynaB This could have been a hidden gem under the withered hide of a really dead horse. It was neither jewel nor offal, but something in the middle of the made-for-TV SF oeuvre.With expectations that low, I was pleasantly surprised to find the ideas behind the script - the themes, as it were - a bit more intelligent than usual. And the effects were not spectacular, but not bad either.Sadly, the dialogue sucked. Fortunately, there wasn't much of it. A couple of seriously cheese-eating statements of patriotic duty would have any of the serving military I grew up with rolling in the aisles. Handsful of short, declarative sentences, some unbelievably clichéd, interrupt the fairly standard action sequences. No long-winded monologues from either the heroes or the villains; that's gotta count as a plus.The acting was about as bad as you'd expect, but erring on the side of less emoting rather than more; another minimalist plus.Overall, not as bad as many I've seen, and slightly better than I was led to expect by the wildly varied reviews prior to mine.
Claudio Carvalho Earth is attacked by the Kulkus, a hostile alien breed infected by a lethal virus and needing human blood to develop an antidote. The worldwide governments negotiate with the humanoid ambassador the terms of peace, giving eight million humans shared between the nations to the aliens and in return they would spare our planet. When Heather Chase (Erin Ross), the daughter of the scientist Stephen Chase (Brad Johnson), is one of the selected, her father fights to save her, joining the resistance force. He proposes to Blair (Lilias Lane) and Alex (Cory Michael Davis), the leaders of the resistance, to give his researches with some alien material found in 1947, exchanging for the liberty of his daughter. But Heather is an unique species, having a genetic that heals the aliens and they do not accept to release her."Alien Siege" is a collection of clichés, recalling among other movies the cult "V". The predictable story has some reasonable special effects, good actors, adequate pace, and in the end this B-movie entertains without being special. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "O Perigo Alienígena" ("The Alien Danger")
TreborC Among the hundreds of watched movies this must be one of the worst.. Pretty much everything is plainly wrong with it. No offense to people trying to make low budget movies, SciFi or not, au contraire, this movie is a mold in the eye for those who's REALLY trying to make something good with whatever budget the might have. Script, directing, dialog, acting, lightning, camera, CGI and again.. the SCRIPT, they must have been drunk on Kulku. If U against all odds found "V" to be entertaining prepare for a amazingly if possible even worse ripoff. Sorry guys (director Robert Stadd, writers Bill Lundy, Paul Salamoff) but plz don't quit your day jobs, OK. The only feeling left after watching this *hrmftpp* "movie" is anger, anger due to dragging SciFi in the dirt..