Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception
| 11 January 2018 (USA)
Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception Trailers

A look at UFO's from a Christian point of view.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
CMPGal This thought provoking film provides in-depth research into the alien and UFO phenomenon. Though you may not agree with all of the conclusions, it is definitely worth watching. See for yourself.
babyjaguar This documentary lacks a global perspective on "spirituality" via alleged E.T. visitations for a mainstream viewing audience (paying high admission prices, who knew that spirituality can be expensive?). First of all, most of the interviewees were Americans, wasting this production's sources like a Christian U.F.O. investigator based in South Korea (I guess E.T.s don't visit Asia?) not to mention that the "Alien Intrusion" book writer is Australian. It makes one wonder that E.T.s only have a thing for white Americans, or lost Christians.Also there seems to be quite of bit in debunking the general abductee experience as a "sign" from Jesus or "demonic " manipulating wiping out a supposedly global spiritual experience with E.T.- like callings from a higher spirit (whether it be Christian or not). And yes, one can feel compassion from viewing these selected abductee (now born-again Christians) interviews, they suffered emotional traumas whilst trying to piece their lives back together. At times, the documentary wastes valuable on-screen time where it could of shown a P.O.V. by global spiritualists (not just Christian) that professed in receiving "possible" interdismensional or outer space signals from a higher spiritual consciousness (instead what we get were projected title cards with Biblical quotes). Do not get me wrong I watched this film (did not read the book though) with an open mind in fact the first half of film's archival scientific material was interesting. Then it ends up feeling like an investigation led by a "Baby Boom" (and Christian-identified) scientific generation evident with the plenitude references to 70s academic theory/pop culture (even the aliens were depicted in a kinda of Spielberg "Close Encounter" way). During in the screening, I had seen one viewer leave when Bible quotes appeared plus some giggles were also heard.
kanbei-33217 Unfortunately there are many people whose minds and hearts are so closed against any Christian ideas that they will not consider changing their minds or be willing to look at where the evidence actually leads. If you are one of these, then you will certainly hate this documentary. If, however, you are an honest seeker and willing to look at where the best evidence from the field of ufology is leading, then this is the best possible documentary for you to watch. If you have experienced alien abduction or know people who have- definitely watch this! Great production.
dan-2199 A strong scientific foundation is laid out to explain why alien visitation from other planets is virtually impossible. Yet, people are experiencing abductions and close encounters. The obvious conclusion is drawn that these beings are from another dimension. After pointing out that the basis for string theory and multi verses have no basis in provable science, the documentary then explores the spiritual dimension.Be aware, this film is produced by a Christian ministry, so of course Bible verses are quoted. However, secular sources are quoted as well. A compelling case is put forth that deserves consideration.