PG-13 | 06 December 2009 (USA)
Alice Trailers

The story takes place in Wonderland 150 years after the original "Alice's" visit, and Wonderland is an outlandish inter-dimensional city of twisted towers and casinos built out of playing cards, all under the rule of the Queen of Hearts.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Clay Loomis I just caught this by chance on SyFy today. It was incredible. I'm shocked I'd never even heard of it. Surely not for every taste, but it kept me watching until the end.Alice In Wonderland was already a 'shroom trip of literature, but this was taken to another level. A great update to an already wigged-out tale. The British guy that played the Mad Hatter, Andrew Potts, really made this thing for me. He was excellent. Truly odd in every way. I know some people aren't up for such things, but one thing is for sure, you won't be bored.The only people I recognized in this were Colm Meaney and Kathy Bates, as the King and Queen of Hearts. Their parts were fairly small, but everyone in this thing seemed perfect for their roles. Bates was supremely evil. A great job by all involved here.
gavin6942 Alice follows a man through a mirror into Wonderland, which is not the joyful place from the story. It is now ruled by an even more merciless Red Queen, and the inhabitants have a strange sort of addiction to "tea" that is drained from humans outside of Wonderland. Can Alice get back home?Writer-director Nick Willing has previously worked on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" -- he made a version starring Tina Majorino back in 1999, which was one of the closest adaptations ever. A bit dry, but Willing's love of the characters was obvious. Here he returns with a modified story, much less dry, and a whole new spin... this is the masterpiece.All the cast is pretty great, even Caterina Scorsone (Alice) who flails her arms wildly when she runs. Andrew Lee Potts (Hatter) does a great male lead, being both handsome and understandable. Cult icon Matt Frewer is a wonderful White Knight, though they might have used a better beard. Having Colm Meaney (King of Hearts) show up was good, though his role was not made all too clear.The situations were brilliant. The "tea party" being more like a stock market was a good modification, though I don't know why the Dormouse was a woman with a mustache. The room with Doctors Dee and Dumb was genius, and I really liked Mad March (though the Brooklyn accent was a bad choice).Three casting choices failed for me. Philip Winchester (Jack Chase) did not have the charisma he should have to play the romantic interest. He just did not make a strong hero. Tim Curry (Dodo) was doubly wronged: his Dodo made little sense (why the Dodo?) and a character actor of his caliber deserved a bigger role. Lastly, Kathy Bates (Queen of Hearts) was wasted. Anyone could have played the Queen the way she was written (very flat)... using Bates was overkill. This is probably the best thing SyFy did since picking up the rights for "Mystery Science Theater". What is normally a worthless network was spared by this film.
kels-errific So two re-imagingings of Alice in Wonderland were released this year. One was from an iconic Hollywood director, the other a smaller production special on the ScyFy network. Guess which one was better? I didn't like Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, at all. My opinion is if your going to do a remake, bring something to it, don't tread the trodden ground. His version played it safe. And actually diluted the experience, by a lot. This Alice had an interesting twist on it and although it falters in some key areas, overall it had more than enough charm for me to appreciate the retelling. I liked noticing the characters from the book, and acknowledging the little nods to the original story. The woman who played Alice was infinitely more interesting to me, and I enjoyed the dynamic between the Hatter and Alice. I was surprised at the special effects and thought they were rather good for what the movie was. I also felt the casting was elevated with Kathy Bate's role as the Red Queen. She made me laugh in more than one scene and I thought she did a splendid job. My complaints are a few. While the script can have clever moments, it also falls into generic dialogue. When a director realizes what an opportunity he has with writing scenes in wonderland, and utilizes it properly, I will praise him with countless accolades. As it is, this really has not heightened scripting to any level. The other complaint was the pacing. Towards the final act, it felt very uneven, jumping from action to exposition. It just felt very rough. At the end of the day I gave it a six and unlike the other Alice in Wonderland, I would watch this one, most assuredly, again.
BHDude The cheap settings (yes, we get it it's in Canada). Lousy acting by the leads and extras (except for Hatter, he brought some fun to the story). The script is awful; the re-imagining of the story is lackluster and lame. None of the subplots made any sense nor did the main plot.This is 1 point above Tinman.They were lazy in production (anyone catch the JVC label on the TV monitors in the lab?). You can tell they borrowed sets or filmed in abandoned office buildings (great job covering up the exit signs with card symbols).Go back to Battlestar Galactica to see how writing, acting, music, editing, and production are done. Give us something (not produced by the Halmi boys) that shows that Science Fiction/Fantasy can be done correctly.