Alice the Toreador
Alice the Toreador
| 15 January 1925 (USA)
Alice the Toreador Trailers

Alice is in a bullfight where she thinks she will win since she is matched against a peaceful bull. But the tables are turned when her bull is switched with one with a worse temper.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
MartinHafer Alice and her pet cat come upon a billboard offering a cash prize to the best bullfighter. Oddly, it also says to bring your own bull! So, the set out to find the laziest and least scary bull they can and sneak it into the ring. However, their plans don't go perfectly and the prize money isn't as easy to win as they thought.This is one of many Alice cartoons made by Walt Disney before he gained fame with that Mouse. Like all the Alice cartoons, the title character is played by a real little girl and everything else in animated. It looked pretty cool back in the 1920s but by later standards it's a bit crudely done. Still, though, after more than 80 years it still is quite watchable--something that cannot be said of many of the older cartoons.
Michael_Elliott Alice the Toreador (1925) *** (out of 4) Another entry in Disney's "Alice" series has Alice and Julius entering a bullfight but they exchange the bull for an old cow. They put some roller skates on it but things don't turn out too well. I believe this is my fifth or sixth film from this series and I must admit that I think they're very underrated in terms of early animation. I'm sure these have their good amount of fans out there but more people should really check them out. The mixture of animation with the live action Alice makes for some very nice stuff but comedy is what the film really goes for and there's plenty of that. The best moment happens when Julius tries to sneak some baby cats into the fight but gets busted by a cop.
senventy_two_lbs This is a weird little cartoon, even for the Alice Comedies. It deals with Alice and Julius entering a Bull Throwing contest with an old steer posing as a bull. However, they are foiled by their competitor "Terrible Tom from Toronto". It has the usual music and style of all the other Alice Comedies, including side stories that have little to do with the plot (ie. a family of cats getting into the show). However, near the end, there is a skinning of the bull (not seen on screen) and Julius wears the skin and pretends to be the bull. I found this quite funny, although disturbing at the same time. I recommend watching this at least one, its a little faster paced than the other Comedies i think.