NR | 26 February 2013 (USA)
Airborne Trailers

As a snow storm closes in, one final plane takes off. The plane reports to the ground that both pilots are dead, while the slowly dwindling number of passengers on the plane wish that they’d never left the ground.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
leonblackwood Review: This movie is pretty poor. It takes ages to get going, and once it does, it isn't anything special. All of the characters are bloody annoying, along with the poor storyline which leads to nothing. Mark Hamill isn't ageing gracefully, and I definitely expected more from him after starring as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise. It wold have been much better if they had left it as a who dunnit, but the director decided just to make it as a pointless thriller which gets a bit tedious after a while. The explanation on why the passengers switch, makes the movie even more pathetic and a waste of time. Disappointing!Round-Up: What ever did happen to Mark Hamill? After Star Wars his career really didn't kick off, which must upset him because Harrison Ford became a superstar. All of the other actors in the film couldn't really shine because the script was appalling. I'm glad that the film was short because it was going downhill from the beginning.Budget: $1.2million Worldwide Gross: N/AI recommend this movie to people who like there disasters on a plane type of movies, but don't expect anything special. 1/10
kosmasp Pretty sure they won't play this movie in an airplane. But that might be everything this has in common with a series like "Lost" or other movies (Quarantine 2 would be another example of movies not really meant to be played on board of an airplane). But to compare this with those really good movies/series would be unfair. Unfortunately though, one of the biggest assets this movie could have, is not really in the front seat (literally).I'm talking about Mark Hamill of course. The movie is also pretty decent in the beginning (having some other heavies in it, like Alan Ford), but does lack a stability to it. Characters seem exchangeable and you don't really care for most of them. The revelation isn't done properly, the effects seem decent (though there is nothing big on display here). Logic is thrown out of the window (no pun intended) and other things will annoy you too. Not completely bad, but descending pretty quickly (whatever you might think of the predictable ending).
Sci-FiHorrorFan This film was a huge let down and the reason it is such a big let down is because i feel this film had potential and it could have been good if the film had been executed right but sadly it just flopped and became too stupid for me. I didn't mind the beginning of this film i actually thought it started off okay,sure the acting is not very good and the characters were kind of weird but i was able to put up with that because i thought the film was going to get exciting and develop a Fun story and it was quite interesting to begin with,i liked the idea of a bunch of people being trapped on an Airplaine and i thought it was kind of interesting when people started disappearing on the Airplaine it kept me guessing as to what was going on and i like that in a movie it makes it suspenseful and suspense is never a bad thing in a film,in fact i quite like suspense in a movie it makes the film more mysterious and thought provoking.Sadly this film took quite a while to get started and that's one of the problems with this film and the other is the characters they all seemed to be one dimensional characters with no the start of the movie we are introduced to all of them at the Airport,the lazy man the fat man,the red head flight attendant lady and the blonde women, some old guy,and some weird mysterious guy,a couple of Army boys and a few others and i found it sad that their characters were written so poorly. this film had very poor characters but i guess that's to be expected from such a low budget film and Bad writing, but it was still disappointing nun the less because some of the scenes on the Airplaine i quite liked,there was a scene on the Airplaine when a couple were together at the front of the plaine kissing and someone came into their room and they asked the person what's wrong? and we never see the persons face, all we see is the person smack the man in the face with a fire extinguisher!. later in the movie when the man and his girlfriend never return to their seats on the Airplaine its pretty obvious what's happened its obvious that the person from earlier killed both of them and that's why they are not back,and from there onward the story becomes quite predictable and its obvious there is a killer on the Airplaine and the killer is obviously one of the passengers and the viewers have to figure out who it is and i didn't mind that idea because i like whodunit stories but i just felt this one was poorly done,you had so many people disappearing left and right and so many things didn't make sense, also there is this one ridiculous scene in the movie when this fat man goes missing and the people are so stupid that they don't even realise he's gone missing!. None of the characters saw the man leave and none of them even seemed to remember him except for one person!.Also how can a man go missing on an Airoplaine? especially a man as big as him?.It does Not make any sense to me and it doesn't make sense that the killer can kill this man and nobody notices! nobody see's or hears a thing?.How was that even possible? i have No idea.Later in the film a few body's are found and its revealed that someone is killing off the passengers,although they didn't really need to explain that because it was pretty obvious what was going on from the start. This film is very predictable and very flawed and the film has a few plot holes and allot of the characters did stupid things which made me not like any of them,and the one guy i did like who happened to be the lazy guy he then started acting stupid too which made me not like him anymore either, and the ending of this film completely destroyed It!. There are so many stupid twists in this film and things that don't make any sense,but the ending was the worst part of the film for me, its the ending that i hated and found the stupidest!. This film has one of the most ridiculous endings iv'e ever seen!. Please Avoid this film! it is very Ridicoulous! and poorly written.
neil james I watched it earlier today. It is not going to change your life, but it is a decent movie. More crucially for your money, there is more effort visible on the screen than is seen in more high-budget releases. Bear in mind that the budget available to these film makers is probably nearly 10% of what is spend on major releases. Major releases that frequently don't seem to make any effort to entertain you at all. But here you can feel that they wanted to entertain you and for the most part that mission is a success. "Airborne" has performances that suit it's genre, some decent bursts of mayhem, some attractive women, Bricktop, Jack Adleth, and Luke Skywalker in the same movie. I'd say that's pretty good value for a DVD.