Adán Y Eva (Todavía)
Adán Y Eva (Todavía)
| 16 July 2004 (USA)
Adán Y Eva (Todavía) Trailers

Having partaken in Eden not only of the tree of knowledge, but of the tree of life eternal as well, Adam and Eve became immortal and now find themselves wandering throughout the world in a journey of extreme sexuality and boredom.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
wind_highlander There is actually a storyline. The story goes forward. I don't know if I would watch it again, but I can't say I didn't like it either. I found it interesting to watch and, although I something wondered if things couldn't go faster, I never despaired. Yes, it is somewhat too arty, but not pointlessly so. It is, finally, the true -if not necessarily adequate- portrait of the character's feelings and thoughts. What I don't know is if I would have known without prior explanation that they are bored to pieces and that that's the reason their sex is so bad. Because it IS bad. You don't see real pleasure, just some horniness at the beginning and naked bodies at the end. This is not something I would call avantgard or outrageous, as they call the film. There is nothing daring in it. Just some lousy, fragmented sex and that's it.But the question about being there a story or not doesn't really arise. There is one. The real question is rather if there is a plot! Because yes, the characters go from a to b without hindrance, having to change mindsets, learning from their experiences or becoming somebody else. It is a cut into their lives, a piece of it in a certain moment, that shows how they feel and go about it to have some emotion, some change without it affecting the innermost structure, because it simply can't be otherwise. There is no drama about it. It is so. Just like that. So, in the end they are shown, quite unsurprisingly, walking away and fading into the landscape. They will keep on walking no matter what they do. The film wants to say that even sleeping with someone is uninteresting when there's nothing to gain and nothing to loose. You are careless and unattached. And that leads to boredom.The film says all those things. So it does say what it has to say. The point here is how it does it. And there's why people find it boring. I wouldn't say it is a *good* film. I'd call it interesting. Not a Sunday afternoon movie, but watchable.
adam_world I saw this film at the Toronto Inside Out Festival. The festival program made the film sound fantastic, unfortunately the experience definitely wasn't.The film starts strong with an amusing stop motion animation sequence and then... nothing. A lot of nothing for about an hour. Very little dialogue. No discernible plot. Just two actors with bad hair having bad sex with random strangers. There are some fantastic shots and the costuming is very unique, but the film is pointlessly arty. The director even includes one of those horrible poetic sequences that angst ridden film students are so fond of. Just when I was ready to leave the theatre, things picked up. The Eve character does something unexpected and the subsequent change of locale propels the movie forward. Suddenly the film started to make sense and things actually start to happen. If only the entire film was as good as the last 30 minutes I might feel comfortable recommending it.
perdidalinda This was probably THE most boring movie i have ever seen. It started off really funny, but there was not much to come after that. Artistic as it might be -or tries to be, there was just zero story. Half the audience left. I really think the idea is awesome and you could do a lot with an interesting topic like this, but the director in my opinion tried too hard to be different and shocking and arty to be taken seriously. If you want great artistic images- take pictures with a simple camera, don't make a film and bore the audience. My personal advice for everyone without the nerves to be waiting 90 minutes for a storyline : Do not waste your time on it!