Advice From a Caterpillar
Advice From a Caterpillar
| 15 February 1999 (USA)
Advice From a Caterpillar Trailers

When it comes to romance, Missy's attitude has always been whatever. After all, her artistic career is flourishing...her spacious New York City loft is fabulous...and her relationship with a married man is totally uncomplicated-what more could a modern girl want? But then Missy meets Brat, who's sweet, genuine and shares her fondness for 70's sitcoms. Unfortunately, he's also dating her pal Spaz. When Missy and Brat unexpectedly fall for each other, will she lose her identity...and her best friend? No matter how far you run, true love always finds you.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
xpunkadooziex Originally I had never heard of this movie until (being the broke college student that I am) one day I was in Best Buy and decided to check and see if there were any movies in the cheap section(9.99 and under) that might catch my eye. Well as soon as I saw that Cynthia Nixon and Andy Dick were starring in it, I thought how can I not buy it? Not to mention the "institution of a man" that we get to see naked, Timothy Olyphant(dont worry its not full frontal, shucks)..Well now it is somewhat of a new obsession. I watch it at least once a week with my friends. Awesome movie. I can not see how you don't consider this a comedy, there are various times in the movie were I find myself laughing histerically.. are we forgetting the whole rowboat scene, let alone numerous others.. unless I am just easily amused. Anyways, I think this was one of Andy's most endearing roles, and makes me even more of a fan. Personally I'd have to give this film the two thumbs up.
rlcsljo Successful New York artist encounters a bunch of weird guys (do artists know anybody else) and wants to maintain her independence by having sex without falling in love. Sound familiar? You bet, it is just about every episode of "Sex and the City", without the female support group, the guys pick up the ball.Although rather mundane, the character interactions manage to bring a smile to my face, like an episode of "Friends".Definitely worth a rental, if you want a "Chick Flick" without a whole hell of a lot of chicks to muck it up.
auntyeri Yes, As Bees in Honey Drown is great. You should go see it. But "Advice..." is a good movie. The three main characters played by Cynthia Nixon, Andy Dick and Timothy Olyphant- are great actors and make this film extremely worthy of your time. Though touches of nixon's "miranda" neurosis seep through her character, the whole cast does a great job of showing how love can always win.
stemicbor Why? Why did they make this movie? If Timothy Olyphant wasn't shirtless in it several times, there would be ABSOLUTELY no reason to watch this movie, ever. Um...Plot? Nope. Well-defined characters? nope. The only time I laughed was when my boyfriend made fun of the whole she-bang. P.S. Andy Dick? Nope.
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