Adult Entertainment: Disrobing an American Idol
Adult Entertainment: Disrobing an American Idol
| 25 April 2007 (USA)
Adult Entertainment: Disrobing an American Idol Trailers

A fresh social and political look at the $57 billion-a-year Adult Entertainment Industry and its affects on 3 subjects who agree to view porn 1 hour a day for 30 days. Shady strip club owners, angry strippers, crass porn stars, top-of-their-game experts and 3 unknowing subjects hammer out an uncomfortable look into the soul of the porn biz. Director Lance Tracy, IMDB (Best Director, NY International Film & Video Festival, 5-Telly winner) maturely balances humor, shocking honesty, science and entertainment. Is porn really addictive? Are children being sexually exploited? Who should teach sex education? How much of responsibility should the porn industry take to provide treatment for potentially addicted customers? Is porn a healthy sexual arousal tool for consenting adults? The film explores possible answers to these hard questions, providing an unexpected conclusion.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
atlasmb If you accept the idea that a documentary should document, without bias or agenda, this film was a flop. It is very deeply flawed due to its methodology.I was pleasantly surprised by the four reviews here that preceded mine. None of them fell for the "arguments" of this film. I agree with almost all of what the other reviewers wrote. One said that viewers should watch the film with their thinking caps on. Failure to watch with a critical eye might lead someone to fall for some of the faulty logic in Adult Entertainment which, as another wrote, is similar to Reefer Madness.At the beginning, it seemed like the filmmaker had intentions of presenting a balanced and logical view. But quickly, the film veers into logical mistakes, poor methodology and bias.The "experts" are well chosen. But the film does not challenge their glaring inconsistencies and hyperbolic rhetoric. The landscape of these experts' analyses is on shaky ground, with terms being used loosely and opinions being presented as scientifically supported "facts". Terms like "obsession" and "addiction" are mixed together and their meanings are muddled by the words "crisis" and "compulsion". Causes and correlations are confused.The filmmaker wonders if the "addiction" approach is an end-around by those who wish to avoid the free speech issues. But he allows them to take that tack anyway.The film does contain some humor. The light approach makes the film watchable (and not totally laughable like Reefer Madness). The inherent bias is not as absurd as in a Michael Moore film.In the end, the film does not place enough responsibility on parents. It looks to the government for all its solutions.In one part, the sophistry amounts to the equation $ = power = bad. If the sex industry is big, it must be bad.The subjects used in the "study" conducted by the filmmaker were a single guy and a married couple. Three people. Should we questions the results because of sample size? Duh. Some of the survey questions they were asked were peppered with absolutes, e.g. "All women..." This skews the results so they are easily misunderstood by non-professionals.Arguments presented by the filmmaker and interviewees included many questionable premises, like "marriage is good" and "couples should tell each other about everything they think and experience".At one point, they discuss The Big Question. Well the real Big Question is: "WHO do you want to tell you what you can do?"The consortium of these sexual prohibitionists wants the government to dictate what is sexually "healthy", presumably because they know better than you do what is best for you. Thankfully, some of the therapists understand the bigger picture--that this is an issue of individual freedom. But even one guy who understands that still thinks we should leave it to the "community" to decide what is best for the individual, not the individual himself. The concept of "community standards" is just a smaller version of the unconstitutional idea of the government voiding individual freedoms. Were the Salem Witch Trials any better than the McCarthy Hearings just because they were on a local level?
Nitzer37 This is the most sexist movie I've ever seen in my life. It tries to appear unbiased but doesn't maintain that standard in any meaningful way throughout the movie. It continuously says that porn is harmful to women but only shows two women who have had any negative side-effect from their work in the sex industry. It blatantly ignores women's sexuality. It portrays wives as the nagging stereotype I haven't seen since old sitcoms. It completely ignores women's choice in this industry without a problem. And apparently it thinks that the only problem with women in the sex industry is that the men in their lives wouldn't want them to be there.
popculturejunkie1975 This documentary attempts and pretends to show a controlled experiment on the effects of porn on those who watch it. It starts out as though it will be objective in it's application of said experiment, however by the end you'll find that it was mostly catered to come to a predetermined conclusion, that porn adversely effects those who watch it. The main "scientific experiment" that is conducted consists of one heterosexual male, and one heterosexual couple. Each male (and only the male)is required to watch and partake in a set of various erotic and sexual mediums, including videos, magazines, internet sites, sex shops and clubs, over a 30-day period. They are also given questionnaires throughout that period to fill out as part of the study. One major problem, only the males partake in the "porn", the wife takes no part in experiencing it. So it's not a couple experiencing it together, but a husband watching and partaking in the erotic mediums. And then the wife dealing with it separately. They also completely avoid having a single female involved in the experiment, or having any homosexual individuals or couples to take part in viewing pornography. If that's not a skewed scientific experiment, I don't know what is. The rest of the film consists of small edited interviews with various "experts" of human sexuality, that are simply weighed toward the conclusion that pornography has adverse effects. And finally that the government should step in and require the porn industry to pay more taxes on their profits to pay for sex education(leaning toward abstinence only) and sex addiction therapy! No mention of pornography effects in other parts of the world either. Horrible documentary
beautiful_suburban_midnight Though it started out as an interesting documentary, it fast became a "DON'T LOOK AT PORN" and "THIS IS BAD." and there were so many different routes that the filmmaker could have gone down but ignored.For example, as much as he spoke about women's degradation and spoke to women who viewed porn as evil and disgusting, he failed to speak to women who enjoy porn. Not to mention the entire homosexual population. The only mention that gays got at all was a bookshop owner talking about buttplugs, and a few mentions here and there when talking about porn scenes. It could've been so much more, but ended up feeling like a 50's propaganda piece.