NR | 19 June 2011 (USA)
Absent Trailers

Sebastiano teaches high school gym classes and coaches swimming. He’s got a job, a girlfriend, and a pretty normal life. But as young Martin starts to infiltrate Sebastiano’s life, his world will get turned upside down. Eerie from the first frame, this Hitchcockian thriller portrays sexual obsession with terrifying realism.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Wordiezett So much average
ciffou I don't know what's worst: the casting, the acting or the pointless story.I have watched Marco Berger's Hawaii, his two short stories and Plan B. In that order, so I have watched enough to know that in his works there are always obligatory shots of men's crutches and long quiet scenes...it works in everyone but "The clock" (his first work). So I knew this one was going to have that but I was not expecting terrible actors with no chemistry whatsoever and that includes the secondary actors (terrible teachers) and the insufferable girlfriend. Am I suppose to think the couple love each other? There is no real connection between the actors. And don't get me start about Martin. Am I suppose to root for this lying manipulative tool? Because I don't care about him and his terrible lessons about butterflies (that was painful to watch). I guess the moral of the story is indulge yourself and give the teenage psycho what he wants instead of acting like an adult...what was Sebastian supposed to be sorry for? The only stupid thing he did was being stupid enough not to see that kid was (poorly) lying all along.
Silitonga 1. Quiet: This is one of the quietest gay theme I've seen so far. Two lead actors, Carlos Echevarría and Javier De Pietro pretty well fit it. But, their feeling and character delivered well by good acting, cinematography, and of course music.2. Love: Interesting that director and also writer (Marco Berger) share point of view about love between adult and teenager, son and father, underling and boss, employee and director, student and teacher. There is always a gap between that two degrees. Marco Berger choose to combine that two degrees by growing love between student and his sport teacher. I guess everyone ever had some crush to their teacher but the tricky point, not everyone, just a few who dared taking chances step the line and take actions to get to know their teacher in very close way. The extreme part, to make love with their teacher. There are differences between crush and love. But, what I see in this film more than just crush. I guess Martín already know his teacher Sebastián far from just become his sport teacher. That's why he was taking chances to get to know his teacher closely by lying.3. The Truth: Being lying there are always consequences. The fact that Sebastián was straight and he sense something "wrong" with Martín, he made some wall to keep him stay away from Martín. The truth end up tragic. Sebastián loose control and beat Martín because he cannot accept that facts that Martín lying to him and abuse his trust and kindness. Martín fall apart but hold himself to keep it up and prevent Sebastián being fired from school. 4. Forgiveness: I think there is no connection between Martín accident to his "break up" with Sebastián. Just a big coincidence. A very big coincidence. Sometimes, accident happen, but death is always the worst part. Sebastián turn to fall apart. Martín absence was killing him form inside. He take some of it as his fault. He break school's swimming pool window and drinking. His mind trying to cope that situation by imaginary of Martín still alive. He was sorry and Martín just smile. It was enough for him.Addition, I don't think that event turn Sebastián become gay. After all, he is trying not be ignorance man anymore.
gonzalo-j-varela With Absent, Marco Berger shows he's a world-class director. I have to confess that the slow speed of his movies irritates me slightly, and I have to confess, too, that I find all of his films very similar. But with Absent, he succeeded at connecting with, at playing games with, and even mocking the audience in a way that is frequently unseen in cinema.And I explain: to many (myself included), the outcome of the film is unnecessary. It prevents us from watching many other possible outcomes that could give a different closure. A more entertaining one, a more rational one, or a more whatever. And this upsets the spectator. But Berger, with unseen ability, places us as judges of ourselves. He exposes us, and makes us face our own stupidity by putting a mirror in the form of Mariana, Sebastian's girlfriend. The silly girl gets upset because the book she has just read didn't tell her the story she wanted to hear. So she's unsure on whether to recommend it or not. How long does it take for the spectator to see himself in the middle of that scene? Probably, it takes him as long as it takes to realise what a genius Berger is, for he, gracefully but bluntly tells us that life and expectations don't go together.
jm10701 I loved Plan B so much that I immediately started looking for other movies by Marco Berger, its writer/director, and this movie is what I found. Rather, I found its title and a brief description - finding the movie itself was a much greater challenge. It took several months and some clumsy use of Google Translate to make my own English subtitles, but I'm happy to say that it was worth all that trouble and more. Hopefully by the time most people read this review this marvelous movie will be readily available on DVD with English subtitles.Anyone who loved Plan B probably will love Ausente too. This is a much more polished and professional production, and it is set in a much more upscale environment than Plan B's rather grungy world of working-class Buenos Aires; but it shows the same steady and confident hand, the same refusal to employ melodrama or tired stereotypes, the same dedication to character development over action that made Plan B so satisfying.Ausente is the story of a 16-year-old boy who has a crush on his swimming coach, a straight man in his mid-thirties. Most online descriptions of this movie sensationalize the story in (I assume) a misguided attempt to drum up interest in it: saying that it is a thriller, as if the boy is a stalker, reckless in his pursuit of the man, threatening to sabotage his job and his future, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth.This is a lovely, gentle, very understated and subtle story. It is even gentler than Plan B is, and its gentleness is what I loved most about that movie. The boy in Ausente is considerate and respectful, and although he manipulates situations in an attempt to get closer to the man, he never threatens, never behaves any more irresponsibly than any teenage boy would and a lot more responsibly than most.There is not one scary scene, not one melodramatic or sensational or prurient or exploitative scene in this lovely movie. There is no stalker, no predator or victim; no one is ever in any kind of danger. In a sense, nothing much even happens: the boy tricks the man into letting him stay a night in his apartment, and there is fairly dramatic erotic tension during that night as the boy longs for something to happen. This is a movie about feelings, about a deep, strong attraction, not about actions. If you need action, avoid this movie like the plague.That's probably why this wonderful movie is slow finding distribution and may never see distribution in the US - it's not violent and sensational enough. It's a slow, quiet, gentle, beautiful movie that pays off in emotional depth, not action and noise and sleaze. In other words, it's about as far from Hollywood as a movie can be.If the boy WERE a stalker, if the coach WERE threatened, then Ausente not only might be available on DVD now but might even be up for a Hollywood remake. My sincere hope is that some small distributor will discover this gem and make it available to those of us who love movies like this.