PG-13 | 27 August 2010 (USA)
Aashayein Trailers

The story revolves around Rahul Singh (John Abraham), a compulsive gambler who wins Rs. 20 million from a bet and throws a party to celebrate. Everyone has a good time drinking and partying till late night during which Rahul proposes to Nafisa (Sonal Sehgal). He announces their engagement to all present, then collapses on the floor. In hospital, he learns that he has only 90 days to live. Wanting to make the most of his last days, he leaves everything behind and moves into a soothing hospice. The inmates he meets change his outlook on life. As his relationships grow with each one of them, Rahul tries to rise above his own needs and live life to the fullest, learning from the courage of those around him.

SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
knightrider12342 Watched Aashayein (2010) movie today .. Directed by Nagesh Kukunoor . Worth a watch .. though boring few times ... The movie still sends a strong message of living life with a meaning . And the music also is awesome . All the supporting actors play their parts very well . So credit also goes to them for a good performance . Acting by John Abraham is really good . Loved the music . Background score is decent . But Anaitha Nair , who portrays Padma steals the show . A really good performance by her . All in all a decent family entertainer . But the magic that Nagesh created through Iqbal is certainly missing . So 9/10 for the movie ....
Biswajit Tripathy Aashayein is a story of hope. A story of hope fuulfilled by Nagesh Kukunoor. The main character of the movie are John, Anaitha and Sonal. John a compulsive gambler is the boyfriend of Sonal. By a sudden twist of events he wins a jackpot worth 3 million rupees and decides to have a blast. Suddenly he realizes that he isn't going to live long and has only a few days to live. Till this part the movie is very traditional and several other makers have tried movie on similar theme.He doesn't want to die specially when he sees the face of his girlfriend. So he runs away from his home and goes to a place in remote location in Pondichery where people go to spend the last part of their lives. The hospital has got people from several parts of lives all of whom have got one thing in common, everybody knows they would die one day and don't hesitate to discuss infront of each other. Girish Karnad a retired banker, Farida Jalal a high class prostitute, Govinda the gift of god, Anaitha a 17 year old arrogant but lively cancer patient all are a part of this hospital. They laugh, they party, they enjoy life like any other normal humans.John decides to fulfil all inmates last wish and asks each of them to give in writing their last wish. One by one, all their last wish is fulfilled only except Padma who wishes to be made love by John.John in a heart touching performance will touch stratight your soul. His sincere acting will never make you believe that he is acting. A must watch movie for all those peoples who wants to watch a good movie.
anuranjan tirkey I watched this movie because I like John Abraham and kind of liked some of it's songs, and I am literally thrilled after watching this movie. I agree that many things didn't go well in this movie like writing part, cinematography part and in some of the scenes acting was clumsy too but the overall impact of the movie was very intense. I don't know that is it a rumor but some of the sources claimed that John and Nagesh Kuknoor(director) didn't charge at all for this movie as the subject was beyond economics. Padma(Anaitha Nair) was the cream of the movie and she enlightened the screen every time she appeared, I hope she will get more project like this. Sonal Sehgal got the more publicity then Anaitha Nair although her appearance and impact was low, and I personally enjoyed the on-screen chemistry between John and Anaith. I recommend this movie as a must watch movie for everyone as it has a great message and elements concerning everyone
Hash100 Out of the many shiny bollywood masalla action packed, brainless plots and pointless movies, here comes a treat to watch. John Abraham is getting better everyday in bollywood and I assume the day is not far when he will stand with the top line of bollywood. I don't know but he is the only actor I feel who gives a strange feeling of belongingness to the masses. Anyway ! About the movie.. It's a story of a dying man and his experiences after wards. (Full Stop! Find out the whole of it in the movie). This is a very touchy and sensitive subject and the way it was portrayed in the movie is the brilliance of the Production team. No fun intended, no typical bollywood happy-happy moments, Its a movie with hard facts and human emotions and PAIN. It's a difficult movie to watch because of the pain and hopelessness it carry. Throughout the movie you will be in pain and misery for the characters. And that credit goes to non other then John himself and the new talent portrayed in the character of Padma. They managed to transfer the agony to the viewers and that's the 'job-done'. With out a doubt this is the best ever performance by john Abraham as he himself claimed it in a TV show interview recently that people would be stunned to see the performance and they sure do! The music number 'shukrya zindagi' is very well pasted in the film at different moments when 'needed' (no pointless bollywood songs at least in this movie). And why an 8 for a movie which deserves at least 9? Yeah the Indiana Johnes segments (Dreams). This would have been a much better treat to watch without those scenes and the story should have focused more on the realities of life, but anyway still no hard feelings for a great movie. By the way this is not your weekend reliever and a pop corn flick!! As a whole it's a very serious movie and not many people would like to watch it (sorry for that John). But those who have a taste of such movies would definitely remember this one for a long time. Aashayein.. Yeah!