A Summer Story
A Summer Story
| 11 August 1988 (USA)
A Summer Story Trailers

A bittersweet tale of lost love, based on a short story ("The Apple Tree") by John Galsworthy.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Elizabeth Doyle I found this English Romance heartwarming and exciting. When this beautiful country girl named Megan comes to the aid of a young barrister who injured his ankle while passing through her homeland with a friend, she falls in love. This story reminds me of the innocence of country life and the social pressures of the olden times for a girl to marry and not have a career. Megan is a gal who's heart runs free and wants to be cared for by a loving gentleman. The suspense builds when there's competition between two lads and who does she choose? This story makes me yearn for the best for Megan and her love. This story keeps you on the edge of your seat as to how this couple winds up.
weezeralfalfa The basic plot, on the surface, tells a simple tale of a very common happening through the centuries, in England, as well as the rest of Europe. A young unmarried gentleman 'sows his oats' with a poor trusting peasant girl, then abandons her to marry an often spoiled girl of his own class. However, this case is a bit out of the ordinary in that the gentleman felt a real love for this girl and didn't intend to abandon his promise to marry her, until a series of unexpected events compressed into a couple of days caused him to get cold feet and make a fateful decision. He was swayed by the common advice to young upper class gentleman to 'never make the mistake of marrying your mistress', and let his head overrule his heart at the last minute. Unfortunately for Megan: the girl involved, Frank Ashton, the gentleman involved, was not the sort to keep a mistress on the side. Thus, he never sought her out again until it was far too late. Thus,she was left to care for their infant son he didn't know existed, and soon thereafter died of a combination of depression and a winter illness. This, Ashton didn't learn until many years later.The screenplay contrasts the earthy communal feel of rural English peasantry with the city world of uncaring bureaucracy-obsessed arrogant bankers and out-of-touch leisured upper class families. Of course, this is a caricature that doesn't always ring true. Nonetheless, we are treated to the perception of Megan as a carefree young woman, full of fun, yet skilled in the tasks of a farm girl: a girl with self confidence in caring for children in a fun way and doing the common chores of a housewife, capable of real passion in a romantic relationship with the right man, despite disapproval by her family. The background music for the film was quite appropriate in helping to accentuate it's various moods.This story has personal relevance to me, as I didn't make Ashton's mistake. Against all advice, I decided to marry a girl rather like Megan, from a poor family on the other side of the world, of quite a different race and non-western culture, and whom I had known only a short while. Despite many challenges, it has generally worked out well for 20+ years, thus far. With my considerable financial and knowledge help, she became a medical professional and has adapted well to US culture, while retaining a keen interest in her native family and culture. However, you must begin with the right two people for this to work out well over the long run.
Doriano Talk about getting thrown for a loop! I watched this movie with no expectations and became mesmerized by its tale! It is so true and powerful that it stays with you forever. Love, after all, is all about decisions and compromises. Everyone chooses to give up something (someone) when they choose to love someone (something) for life. The emotional power of what might have been is breath-taking and impacts every one of us no matter how happy we are or how good life turned out.We know it would have been vastly different had we chosen a different path. Anyway, I am buying this one on DVD. (on ebay right now).
Elizabeth LaGrande I watch this gem about twice a year, when I feel like having a good cry. This film truly transports me to another time and place.There are timeless morality issues dealt with in the story, and the unforgettable ending gives a person goose bumps. Seeing the film inspired me to read the story it's adapted from(The AppleTree.) There are some differences between the story and the film, of course, and the endings are somewhat different, although the overall idea is on the same wavelength. I feel the ending of the film is very,very strong and extremely suited to the film genre as compared to the written page.The music is exquisite. Not only does it cast a beautiful spell from the very first note, but it remains in your mind long after the film is over.A precious, precious film.