A Stitch in Time
A Stitch in Time
| 01 December 1963 (USA)
A Stitch in Time Trailers

An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
SimonJack "A Stitch in Time" is one of the later movies by British comedy actor Norman Wisdom. I think it is one of his better films. In this one, he had some touching scenes on a serious side, but these relate to the humor he brings in a hospital setting. Norman Wisdom was a star of British cinema in the mid-20th century. He had a little bit of Jerry Lewis, some Red Skelton and come Lou Costello. But his character had much more and was his own. Three things distinguish Wisdom – his perpetual smile and happy attitude, his exceedingly high energy level, and his physical abilities. In this film, Wisdom plays his familiar character, Norman Pitkin. Many other comedians used hospital settings in movie plots, and one can expect the same types of hilarious situations in this one. A hospital gurney race is one of the funniest I've ever seen. This film has some slapstick comedy to rival the best of early American comedy teams. And the musical ending is special.
studioAT This film really does highlight Norman Wisdom at his best and features all the elements that made him such a fantastic screen clown.Ably supported by Jerry Desmonde and Edward Chapman the film manages to feature all of the humour and the sentiment that make Wisdom's films so special. This one is particular shows him at his best because the sentiment is kept in check and there's none of the silly business of Norman playing multiple roles that perhaps bogged down his later outings.Although it feels like a combination of sketches at times (Norman as a ST John's ambulance member, Norman as a nurse) they are brilliant ones, and there is enough of a plot to hold them all together. The scenes with Lindy are especially well written and it is perhaps this element that makes 'A Stitch in Time' my favourite of Norman's films.
TheLittleSongbird Even if the story is pretty standard and some parts get a little sentimental, A Stitch in Time is still a charming and funny slapstick comedy. A Stitch in Time is very well made, with nice cinematography and the film overall looks beautiful. The music by Phillip Green is beautiful as well, while there are some nice and funny touches in the screenplay. Not only that the set pieces are efficiently done and just add to the fun, with the slapstick very well timed. The pacing is just fine, the direction is good and the length I had no problem with either. And the acting is little to gripe about; Norman Wisdom is very winning in the title role, very innocent and likable, while Edward Chapman and Jerry Desmonde almost come close to stealing the film and Jeanette Sterke is really beautiful. Overall, classic slapstick comedy, that is very nice to watch while being funny as well. 8/10 Bethany Cox
christopher-underwood Very funny and surprisingly well made film. Norman Wisdom does not put a foot wrong, well he does but he's supposed to! What is particularly gratifying here is that whilst Wisdom is his brilliant self, everybody else puts in excellent and thoughtful performances. There is none of the 'prima donna' stuff we tend to get in the 'Carry On' films of the period and everybody is mainly interested in making themselves look good. Peter Jones, for instance puts in a magnificent performance as a St Johns Ambulance Brigade leader in a little scene that becomes central to the whole film. From the very beginning in the butcher's shop the slapstick is immaculate and typified by the hospital trolley race, Wisdom's tone is some magical mix of the male desire to prove himself and wanting to be a little boy again.