A Song of Good
A Song of Good
| 29 January 2008 (USA)
A Song of Good Trailers

After committing a shocking crime, Gary Cradle secretly decides to change his life and become a good person. However deciding is one thing, changing a life is another.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
hillofhill Watched this on DVD with my boyfriend the other night not expecting much as most kiwi films suck and we where both really affected by it, even had big stupid argument after watching it. He didn't get some of the stuff I did but still thought it was great as I did. I never knew where this was going and was squirming all the way through and that last scene OMG!!! One of the best last scenes I've ever seen in a kiwi film, maybe the best ever. I don't know what you'd call it guess a drama but touches of comedy even horror somehow definitely a drama i guess. I give it 8/10 as its not 10 a classic of film history no kiwi films are or a great film like Once where Warriors/ Goodbye Pork Pie, Heavenly Creatures/Braindead but its deinately one of the best kiwi films I've seen if not top ten then for sure top twenty. Read some of the comments and yea wonder why it didn't get cinema release or more promotion in NZ while there's been a stream of lame mediocre crap coming out last decade and more to come I'm sure. Gunna watch directors other film now called Christmas, meant to be pretty hard out but heard its a classic kiwi film. oh yea an the acting was great, the main guy playing Gary was amazing, the fastfood joint manager WTF! sic others cool but these where my favs
gca28 This could've been a good movie. The ideas are there, it's just the execution that's abysmal. Everything about it seemed clumsy and unmotivated, especially the "horrible crime" that came out of nowhere and left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth.The main character seems very stereotypical, reminding me of the amazingly lame drug education dramas that would be put on at high school. He uses forced lingo and is generally unconvincing. As for his crime, he seems too nervous when making the break in to have the capacity to commit it, let alone commit it so quickly.Perhaps if some real effort had been put into character development there may have been something interesting here, but instead it remains an incompetent, shallow grab at edginess.
Calvin Logue I really do not understand all the praise for this movie, its unoriginal, awkward, badly written, and it just tries way too hard. Do people like it because its Indy and they feel they will be more cultured if they say the think its good? It lacked any reason for the forgettable main character to need money in the first place, he just needs money, so badly that he robs his neighbor, and hey while he's at it why not rape her? It makes no sense, sure it could be a regretful crime of passion, but that's not the way it is in the movie. There is nothing in this film that I liked, it makes me embarrassed about kiwi cinema to be honest, way too dramatic, lacks any substance. It just relies on rape and drugs without any style, to shock viewers in to thinking its good.
fiercedragons A SONG OF GOOD is a small low budget digital film from New Zealand that probably wont see the light of day in the UK but this is a deeply moving powerful story that deserves to be seen. It is the story of a young man struggling for redemption in a society that couldn't care less.I was really surprised how moved I was by the main character Gary's plight especially after the disgusting senseless crime he commits but I was with him the whole way and that is a major achievement. I was especially touched by Gary's relationship with his nephew, Laughlin?...The performances and direction are all round great and the touches of dry black humour and irony throughout where a surprise considering the tone and situation but still strangely worked somehow.And i really liked the use of sound design.I will remember some of the images and moments for some time to come I think.