| 05 December 2008 (USA)
A.R.O.G Trailers

Commander Logar fools Arif and sends him 1.000.000 years back in the time. He must civilize people from past to reach today.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
deblod Cem Yilmaz, the ex-standup comedian has made quite nice movies such as G.O.R.A, the Magician, Everything is Going to Be Great. I was one of the followers of his movies as well. However, A.R.O.G really puts his level of quality so much down on the ground - if not underground. For starters, the idea/plot is actual "inspired" from the French comedy "RRRrrrr!!!" which is really a bad movie, A.R.O.G competes with it and surpasses "RRRrrrr" negatively in many ways. Unfortunately, Cem Yilmaz's movies turn out to be parts of his stand-up show which are pasted into his movies lately. The screenplay is non-coherent, the characters except himself has not too much to say and the jokes are becoming more and more ordinary. I have seen the movie on a special movie day, paid around $3 for it. After the movie, my feelings were that I was swindled. Not only for the low price and the time spent. I wouldn't see it again if I was paid for it. Do yourself a favor and be aware of this movie.
merttemizsoy I was expecting something better from Cem Yilmaz, but unfortunately I was disappointed. Many people said it's funny. However it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Most of the jokes were not funny, the script was carelessly done. I was bored and hardly waited until the end. Cem Yilmaz is very successful in stand up shows, but I cannot see the same sense of humor in his movies. The football game part was very long and boring. It could have been a good movie if there was a good story and funny jokes, but it lacks sense of humor. If you're planning to see this movie, I suggest you better do something else instead. Because this movie is totally waste of time.
ulnoyman Cem Yilmaz is a talented comedian and a good filmmaker. He is also a good businessman. He makes two kinds of movies: Good ones, and bad ones to finance the good ones. A.R.O.G. is a bad one. Much like its predecessor, G.O.R.A., it uses the decades-old parody styles of Mel Brooks and Zucker-Abrams-Zucker. With such movies, Cem Yilmaz captures larger, easily-satisfied crowds - swindle them out of their money (they would eventually spend that excess money on some other crap they won't need anyways), and put those resources into good use: making a real good movie such as 'Hokkabaz' or 'Hersey Cok Guzel Olacak'...Although I was one of the suckers who paid a few bucks for this no-good, boring, longer-than-necessary, unoriginal, extravagantly expensive eye- candy - I do not feel too bad with the hope that Cem Yilmaz will make a movie worth praise in a couple years from now, and I will feel somewhat proud to be one of the millions of producers of that flick.So, to summarize: If you are tired of dragging that thick wallet of yours and looking for a place to spend money just for fun... Just go give the money directly to Cem Yilmaz and do not watch the movie anyways. There are many attractions that are cheaper and more fun... Say, stay home tonight, clip your nails... give yourself electric shocks, or something... whatever.
emre748 A Fantastic comedy film especially for Turkish audience.It contains jokes that only Turkish people can understand. There are a lot of specific jokes which is only funny for Turkish people Not a good film for the people who doesn't know Turkish people,life, news, adverts and that. Not better than G.O.R.A. but it is still very good. Some people say that it has a weak structure. But who cares? It makes you laugh and this is the point. I think it could be better but i cant say that it is a disappointment. Visual effects are excellent if we compare it with another Turkish movie. I recommend that every Cem Yilmaz fan must see this movie.
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