A Perfect Fit
A Perfect Fit
R | 05 April 2005 (USA)
A Perfect Fit Trailers

A psychological drama about an unstable man, tormented by nightmares, who seeks help from a shrink but is pushed over the edge into increasingly dangerous, psychotic territory by a relationship he is unable to control.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
holt-amanda So...I do not watch "Entourage", and before today I had no idea who Adrian Grenier was. Nor have I ever hated a movies so much that I wanted to review it. One, totally predictable. Two, totally boring. Three, zero chemistry. Four, huge waste of time.There was nothing interesting about it. It was campy and really fake. I was not sure what was wrong with the guy for the first half of the hour long movie, than just waited for him to snap. There was zero emotion in Leila Arcieri's part,nothing.This movie made me feel uncomfortable, angry and embarrassed that I actually finished watching it. Horrible!
jonathanburhan This movie is exceptionally realistic, and I really enjoyed it. I have first hand experience in the sort of relationship shown in this movie, and I could relate to both Sarah and John's characters. John is a man that suffers from what appears to be Borderline Personality Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He feels lonely, and believes that the missing part of his life is love. The problem is, he is unstable and unable to control his emotions. While it may seem unrealistic that two people can fall in love and get involved in a serious relationship quickly, the fact remains that this usually happens with 2 people that miss what they feel is love. John's feelings, however, would never be accepted in society, hence why he is alone.John has had a traumatic childhood, with his mother giving him away when he was a young child and later on is revealed that he was sexually abused as a boy, by the people looking after him.John truly loves Sarah, and it is shown throughout the movie that his love is over excessive. To sum this movie up quickly, it's well worth watching, and shows how a mentally ill man tries to cope with a relationship with a fairly functioning woman. Whilst it can be argued that John didn't love Sarah, the fact remains, he did. What happened during the end, and because Sarah was not able to figure out John was unstable, was mostly Sarah's fault. The warning signs were there, but she ignored them, even when she knows John is seeing a doctor.
bentsen_and_the_jets What I liked so much about A Perfect Fit is that it made me feel so much. The film is clearly a sad story about two people who desperately want to find the love that they feel will complete their lives. I felt like I could see myself, and many of my friends, in the character of Sarah. We have all looked for love in the wrong places many times. We consistently find ourselves drawn to men who look like a prize package, but wind up being major booby-traps. I wonder if I had seen this movie before my last heartbreak if I might have done things differently. Probably not because I, like Sarah, am a sucker for a gorgeous charmer. I, too, have trouble seeing a man for real at the beginning of the relationship. As I said, ultimately, A Perfect Fit is a sad story, but along the way, there are some great laughs, some moments of suspense, and it is all done in a way that made me not want the movie to end. The actors are beautiful to look at, and they seem like real people. I haven't seen them act before, but I am going to look for them in the future. This is a movie that I found myself thinking about long after it ended.
Ashley_Stevens I am a fan of Adrian Grenier and really love Entourage so I was excited when I saw this DVD was out. It was so much fun for me to watch him play a part that is nothing like the role he plays on TV. I was really impressed with his acting range. He was amazing in this movie. The movie held my interest in a way that reminds me how much I miss that feeling most of the time when I watch movies. The characters seem to me to be like people I know and I found myself relating to Leila Arcieri's character in a way that almost scared me. I have a feeling that many women looking for Mr. Right and feeling like she will never find him will also connect to this movie. I was never bored and I only wished I could have seen it in the theater because my TV is old and small. I want to tell as many people as I can to see this film because it is enjoyable, and it also makes you think and have a lot of feelings.