A Nocturne: Night of the Vampire
A Nocturne: Night of the Vampire
| 20 September 2007 (USA)
A Nocturne: Night of the Vampire Trailers

From the Australian underground comes a dynamic gothic original. Z and X are vampires bound by love and driven by their lust for blood. Together they stalk their unsuspecting prey in the dark streets and back alleys of Melbourne, but tonight they aren't the only killers lurking in the shadows. A moody and atmospheric thriller, A NOCTURNE: NIGHT OF THE VAMPIRE is a sophisticated reworking of the vampire genre with film noir stylistics.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Leofwine_draca A NOCTURNE: NIGHT OF THE VAMPIRE is a wannabe intellectual Australian vampire indie production about a vampire couple who spend their nights cruising the city for their latest victims. It's a mood piece throughout with nothing in the way of incident, all scene-setting and no pay-off. The director has a good eye for shooting in real-world locations but with no story, it's a real bore.
Andrew Mengede I pride myself with being able to watch any film, even the ones that people deride as "amateurish", however this is the first film I have genuinely hated.The dialogue is virtually non existent and without a shred of impact. Minor characters wax philosophical (and insensibly), and major characters say nothing and pose moodily with a vengeance around Melbourne.The nu-metal soundtrack is so dated, even Disturbed would roll their eyes in disapproval.The production is awful. This may be a nihilistic film, but there is a difference between a bleak production and a sparse one. This is nothing but jump cuts and landscape shots.There is precisely one evocative segment in this film, I won't describe it because it's the only good bit of the film and discussing it would feel like a spoiler.Overall, don't be fooled by the quote from Nietzsche or the woman playing Chopin on piano. Good philosophical films provoke thought and questions from the viewer, teasing them with messages. This film has precisely nothing to say.
adrossan This intellectual "wannabe" was the worst waste of film ever. I could not believe the garbage proffered to the viewer, especially in comparison with the interesting critique on the cover.A pretentious,amateurish,boring, cliché-filled waste of time - unfortunately this crud should be removed from shelves as unfit for viewing.The film was completely unable to put any point of view across, the selected premise of being "intellectual" by relying on quotes from Nietzsche was just plain laughable. Long "enigmatic" silences conveyed nothing and the viewer will struggle to find any relevance to anything remotely philosophical.Even the "vampire" scenes were inept and cringeworthy.
hunk-1 I was unfortunate enough to watch this movie,at the Athens International film festival,at an after hours screening,with the director present. Normally this would be an awesome night,but not today. The movie was so slow-paced that bored you to death and the dialogue was so out there,that even after reading the subtitles I couldn't understand what the characters were trying to say. The story was incoherent to say the least,and secondary characters seem to only pop in to say or do what they have to,without really any explanation why they do it. In terms of production,the movie seems like something you would shoot with your typical mini-DV camera,without any help from a professional. Overall I have to say that for a 70 minute movie,it had me staring at my watch hoping it would end soon enough. Others were not that patient though.In the first 10 minutes of the movie,at least a dozen people had left. Sure,the program for the festival,described it as a "philosophical vampire movie" but I can't really blame them,since the director himself said before the screening that that is how he wants his film to be described.I guess it's a matter of opinions.He says 'philosophical vampire movie" I say BS.
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