A Night to Dismember
A Night to Dismember
NR | 01 January 1983 (USA)
A Night to Dismember Trailers

A woman from a "cursed" family is released from a mental facility, and soon dismembered corpses start turning up.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Mr_Ectoplasma Poor psychotic Vicki Kent seems to be plagued by an ancestral curse that drives her and her family members to kill. Upon being released from a psychiatric institute after killing two neighborhood boys, Vicki soon picks up the hatchet and gets back to dismembering her family line.Doris Wishman's "A Night to Dismember" is a true landmark in bad filmmaking-it's hard to say whether it is a result of the filmmakers' ineptitude or the troubled production history (which included multiple reels being destroyed, causing Wishman to rework the film with stock footage and an entirely new plot grafted onto the pre-existing footage). In any case, it has gone down in the annals of trash cinema for good reason.I cannot pretend this is a worthwhile film for most moviegoers, but as a pure oddity, it is required viewing for hardened slasher fans. Pornographic actress Samantha Fox portrays the insane Vicki, and is surrounded by a group of equally inept actors. The entire film is narrated with a documentary-like voiceover from a policeman who investigated the crimes, and there is virtually no dialogue present; what is there is badly-dubbed and only accentuated by sloppy editing, bizarre montages, and amateurish special effects for good measure.In any event, I found the film entertaining on a primal level, only because it feels like a fever dream pulled from the head of a madman. The fact that Wishman even finished it is something of a minor triumph, and it is weirdly amusing in all its badness. For the casual moviegoing majority, it is a laughable disaster, and even hardened fans of slasher films and camp trash will find elements of it almost too absurd; but midway through, I couldn't help but feel there was some earnestness behind it, and the bones of what could have been an at least average psycho-slasher flick. The result is many ranks below average of course, but it is a fun romp for people who find entertainment, genuine interest, or pure comedy in cheapjack horror. You have been warned. 5/10.
Idiot-Deluxe 1983: A Year At The MoviesThe best movie of 1983 (disregarding the Oscar's, entirely) is RETURN OF THE JEDI, the worst movie of 1983 is A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER; an unbelievably pathetic "horror film", directed by veteran Sexploitation film-maker Doris Wishman.A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER is so bad on so many levels, it's really a marvel to behold, though ultimately it is extremely boring and it's only entertainment (for me at least), is it's astronomically high levels of ineptitude. It's a complete comedy of errors, being crudely amateurish and unpolished in every possible aspect, not to mention nonsensical. A total hatchet-job of a movie!First off I'm not going to bother explaining the lame plot, I'm going to stick primarily to it's technical aspects; so here's a run-down of what you can expect to see and hear during the 69 minutes that this MISERABLE film runs. Casting: Consist's of a group of people (who act as if they've never been in a movie before) lifelessly interacting with each other inside the drab and depressing confines of what appears to be a modest apartment somewhere in "Woodmeyer Lake, a small town in the midwest". The movie's prodigious acting talent is "bolstered" by the petite 70'/80's hardcore porn star, Samantha Fox, in the central role of "Vicki". To further add to the movies profoundly disjointed and out-of-synch feel, they actually used two, vaguely similar looking actors, to portray the character of "Billy" who is Vicki's deceitful brother, so, in the blink of an eye, be prepared for those interchangeable Billy's. My favorite scene has to be when we get to see Vicki sitting at the dinner table, scarfing down a couple of paper-thin slices of Carl Budding ham (now that's High Cuisine!), while making faces at the others, in a feeble attempt to look disturbed. Evidently this movie didn't have ANYTHING of a budget - not even in the budget-breaking "cold-cuts department"; they skimped there too.Sound: From an audio perspective, A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER is the worst movie of all time; because it's sound is ALL OVER the place!!! It's effectively a silent movie (as only a few lines of dialog sound as if they were recorded live) that's littered with lot's vocal over-dub's - which are typically shrill and unnatural sounding. Then there's the music..... (which is near-constantly skipping and often crudely segue's) which is a HIDEOUSLY TASTELESS, hodge-podge combination of music taken from vintage skin-flicks (lot's of sleazy saxophone's) and cartoon music; with a consistent over-emphasis on a bass drum that goes..... Doink! Other audible aberration's that are to be found in A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER are the poorly-paced over-dubs by "Detective Tim O'Malley" that try to explain the plot; yet more and even cruder over-dubbing is done by the cast, which often display jarring differences in ambient sound and noise-level's, I noticed the sound "wavering" several times during the film's high-pitch tension que's, which was probably due to a tape-speed issue. Then there's the PATHETICALLY weak and poorly synchronized SFX used for the "killing blows" during the murder scenes, which are followed by some of the most unnatural and most UN-convincing death screams you'll ever hear. I sense that they tried to add an element of "sensuality" to some of the victims death wail's, but, it certainly doesn't work well, just awkwardly. Repeat, this is the worst sounding movie I've ever encountered, why it sounds even worse than Manos The Hands of Fate; hard to believe that's even possible, but this movie get's it done.Video: Then there's the dismal visual presentation to critique, it was filmed with a certain "morgue-like drabness" on an obsolete (if not fossilized!) 16mm film stock, effectively rendering everything in a VERY "80's low-res" kind of way; and saying that time has not been kind is certainly an understatement - but then again it looked bad when it was brand-new - so time is irrelevant. Also, just the like the sound of the movie, the picture often tends to jump. But why? Amateur cut-rate editing. As that's yet another major pitfall with this film, the editing, whoever cut and pasted this piece of sh** together must have been legally blind (or on drugs). To drop another Manos comparison, A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER has even worse editing then Manos does - say it ain't so! Somewhere in the middle of the movie expect to see what has to be the most glaringly obvious of all continuities, the ever funny night-day-night-day effect, meaning: events supposedly happening at the same time and same place - yet the sky turns from day to night and back over and over; as if the sun were being controlled by a light switch, ineptitude at it's finest! In comparison, EVIL DEAD is a shinning example of a low-budget movie which was also filmed on 16mm and even longer ago, yet looks fresh and lively - so no excuses from a technical standpoint.The numerous murder scenes in this film are the most inept and the least intense scenes of there kind ever filmed. There's so many limp-wristed and pitifully weak stabbing's and hacking's, at times the actors are doing literally nothing more than tapping each other with knives and hatchets. Then there's the gore effects and the effects seen here are among the lamest and most phoney looking ever, in fact the ONLY movie that I've seen that has lamer gore effects is SPLATTER FARM, which is an even cheaper movie if you can believe it. Everything's just so unbelievably bad in this movie and I'll be damned if I haven't seen more convincing murder reenactments at Chuck E Cheese! Ultimately what you have here is one of the worst movies ever and one really has to wonder, if it was deliberately made to be this bad.....in any case it IS that bad and the only movie I've ever seen that's worse than this is ROLLERGATOR!!!!!!
adriangr I must have some kind of death wish to sit through Doris Wishman's "A Night To Dismember"...very rarely have I used the term "unwatchable" and meant it, but in this case it's absolutely true.Where to begin? Wishman seems to have wanted to cook up some convoluted slasher-horror movie about insane girl released back into the care of her family only for mysterious killings to begin again. But what she ended up presenting was a muddled mess of catastrophic proportions, even by her standards. Apparently much of the footage shot was lost in a fire, so when the film was edited, large chunks were missing and lots of out-takes had to be substituted. Well, it sure does show.Watching the movie proves to be a fractured, almost hallucinatory experience. Not a single shot has any location-sourced or ambient sound, all the soundtrack is made up of music, over-dubbed dialogue/narration, and slapped on sound effects. It's like watching a silent movie that has been given a hasty "make-do" soundtrack by someone else. In fact it's like watching a film with the sound off, in a room full of improv actors who are making up the lines as they go along, and bashing pots together to try and make matching sounds to go with the on-screen action. Then again, very few of the lines are actually spoken by the characters. A narration goes on for the entire length of the movie, explaining everything that is happening – however due to the incoherent nature of the film it's the ONLY way of understanding what's happening! And the music! Oh dear...Every type of stock music is laid on with a trowel, from lounge jazz to rock to Gothic chimes, and none of it EVER matches the mood of the on screen action. Maybe Wishman just threw whatever she had handy onto the turntable. And if this wasn't bad enough, the film jumps, cuts, jumps ,and jumps again, in fact every few minutes there is an abrupt change of music or lines of dialogue are abruptly cut off. And I do mean EVERY few minutes. Actually there are a few scenes when the music switches styles every 2 or 3 seconds.There's all the usual Wishman madness such as shots of feet, hideous interior décor, backs of people's heads, someone moving position and the camera not realising they aren't even in shot any more, etc, etc. In a new level of excitement, we get close ups of people lifting slices of cheese off a dinner plate. Some scenes look as though they were shot twice or even three times – and all the shots are included in the film, so its like some horrible demonic rewind button that forces you to see everything multiple times. Oh and before I forget to mention it, about 30-40 percent of the movie is out of focus.OK OK, I know there are some Doris Wishman fans out there who find this all part of her peculiar charm. The only other movies I have seen by her are the two Chesty Morgan films, and both of these are hilarious and highly recommended to any bad cinema junkie. So I do see the appeal of her unique style. But watching "A Night To Dismember" was nothing more than a trial. By the time I had reached the 15 minute mark I had had more than I could stand, but by some sheer force of will I managed to sit through the whole thing. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try this at home. Utterly, utterly, mind-blowingly bad.
Vornoff-3 For those of you who will not enjoy the surreal experience of a film completely composed of dubbed out-takes and low-budget gore without the companionship of certain silhouettes, there is hope! Simply rent the DVD version of this film and listen to the "commentary" by director Doris Wishman and her cinematographer, Chuck. They had me in stitches all the way through. It is obvious that neither one could follow the plot, or really figure out what to say to an audience about their opus, so they spend most of the time insulting each other and trying to remember who's apartment each scene was shot in. Doris: why won't you answer poor Billy Szarka's letter?