A New Wave
A New Wave
R | 21 August 2007 (USA)
A New Wave Trailers

A frustrated artist is convinced by his eccentric roommate to rob a bank. Having planned the crime by watching bank-robber films, the amateur heist is doomed from the beginning.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
kaden milliren to me this movie was pretty good if you don't count how low budget it was. yes the editing was bad and the cameras weren't great and some of the actors weren't very good either, but i do think that it had a good script, idea, and Lacey and john both did a very good job in my opinion. it had a great soundtrack with music from army of me and chamberlain. had a bigger company picked up this movie i really do believe it could have been very good. i tip my hat to john for making me laugh, and Lacey for being super attractive as well as their acting. but was their any significance to the end? i re watched it time and time again to see if i was missing something but i couldn't figure it out.
crimsonrhodelia I wish I could have given this a higher vote, because John Krasinski is fantastic in this movie, but unfortunately the uninteresting main character and the trite love story with his clichéd girlfriend, not to mention the out-of-nowhere dramatic ending - which completely disturbed any flow this movie had built up over the last 90 minutes and didn't go with the amusing premise at all - and the horrible attempt at a British accent, completely killed any enjoyment I might have felt in watching parts that did not involve John's character, Gideon.Still, John is hilarious and if you're a fan, having the chance to enjoy seeing him dance seductively with a plant, run around in a nice suit and hang out on a couch in boxer shorts, a wife beater and an open button down shirt will make the rental more than worth your while. I also agree with the commenter who recommended watching the deleted scenes, more JKras goodness!
irabovsky I found this movie to be okay.On paper, this movie has everything a person may want! Romance, comedy, drama. A bank robbery, a unique cast, great music and storytelling!In reality, this movie ended up being mostly garbage, and I'll tell you why.a) This is my biggest problem: The editing. This movie has by far the worst editing I've ever seen short of local-car-dealership commercials. The editing could've been done better by a deaf Parkinson's patient tapping away at iMovie with a a dead cat. There are scenes where two characters are talking to each other and you can see their lips moving and the audio/video isn't in sync because its clearly dubbed. Why was it dubbed? I don't know! Its English dubbing English! The voices were done in a studio elsewhere in certain scenes! Could they not find a boom-Mic?! They're not expensive; Jesus, even I own one! And i don't make films!b) Andrew Keegan's performance lacked. It really didn't seem like he wanted to be a part of this project, and his acting was the equivalent of a skit performed by D.A.R.E. for schoolchildren. At least John Krasinksi showed some enthusiasm.Yes, John Krasinski is the only reason I rented this flick, and its the only real reason worth watching. He's did a good, witty performance and he was the most three-dimensional character. Dean Edwards' character was quite thin, as was whats-her-face.Final Word? If you're a fan of John Krasinski, this is worth your time. If not, don't even bother. The editing
aj80 I gave this movie a 5 out of 10 because John Krasinski is just funny in my book. No matter what he does.I bought this screener off of Ebay a couple of months ago and watched it without any expectations whatsoever. There are two really good things about this movie:1. John being, well, John 2)Lacey's wardrobe. That being said, the movie had what could have been a decent script, but the editing and pace were both bad, the "British" gentleman had a horrible accent and Andrew Keegan never really got his footing. The ending will probably make you chuckle or say, "WTF?" It was obviously thrown together to try and tie up loose ends. Either way, most of you will see this to see JKras in all of his comedy glory, and he delivers some solid one liners that will make you giggle. But when he is not on the screen you will miss him. So, see it if you love John. But don't expect too much. After all, there are always reasons for movies to sit on the shelf for a couple of years before being released.Usually this occurs after a star has reached a certain status. Much like 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" was released after Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey made it big...