A Mouse in the House
A Mouse in the House
NR | 30 August 1947 (USA)
A Mouse in the House Trailers

Mammy Two-Shoes tells Tom and Butch that the cat who gets rid of the icebox-raiding, breadbox-invading mouse (Jerry) is the one who can stay.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "A Mouse in the House" is an American 8-minute cartoon from 1947, so this one has its 70th(!) anniversary already this, maybe even its 80th depending on when you read this review. It is another Hanna Barbera production and as such a Tom and Jerry (and Butch) cartoon. This one features the cats' owner more prominently than usual as she has enough from the mess Jerry creates and tells the cats that only the one who catches Jerry may stay in the house. And we see a costume of her later too and again see her at the very end, which means this is a T&J cartoon with unusually much spoken language. But the animals are quiet of course in contrast to some more recent works that have the two strangely talking to each other. This film is at its funniest early on when the two cats listen to the speech chilling before panically getting up and searching the mouse (who helps them). And as strange as the dress-up part near the end felt, it still was funny eventually. This is one of the Tom & Jerry cartoons I liked more than the average,. some funny moments in here, even if the Oscars for once did not like it too much. The middle part was a bit forgettable and may be the main reason why I am not giving this one an even higher rating. But I can see why it's among the more remembered today, even without the awards attention. Go check it out if you love cartoons and the world's most famous cat-and-mouse duo in particular. You won't be disappointed.
Tweekums Fed up of the mess being cause by Jerry the mouse, Mammy Two Shoes give her two cats, Tom and Butch, an ultimatum... the one of them who catches the mouse can stay; the other is out! They quickly start searching the house and are joined by Jerry; when they actually realise he is right there they start fighting over him. What follows isn't totally unexpected but is still funny; they have a duel, a boxing match and even try to disguise them selves as Mammy Two Shoes... with the inevitable results!There is plenty to laugh at here although the generic setting makes it a fairly forgettable entry in the series. Highlights were the duel where only one of them had a real gun and later when they took turns dressing up as Mammy Two Shoes to trick each other then attacked the real Mammy Two Shoes thinking it was the other cat! The animation was as sharp as one would expect from the era and Lillian Randolph is great as the voice of Mammy Two Shoes.
BA_Harrison Tom and 'ex-arch-enemy-turned-best-friend' Butch, are read the riot act by Mammy Two Shoes, who is fed up with the mouse that is raiding her fridge. She tells the two useless felines that whoever fails to catch the rodent will be turfed out of the house. Naturally, this pits the two moggies against each other in a battle to capture poor Jerry.Not terrible, but way too predictable to be anything special, A Mouse in the House features the usual plethora of slapstick and violence, without adding anything particularly new to the formula.A fun ending, which sees both cats AND Jerry booted out the front door, ends the action on a satisfying note, but it's not enough to make this cartoon worth recommending.
ccthemovieman-1 This story is a familiar one in the long-running Tom and Jerry cartoons, especially in the 1940s, the only difference being that two cats instead of one are threatened to be evicted if they don't catch the mouse (Jerry). Tom has an unnamed buddy ("Butch?") living in the house with him, so this really upsets "Mammy Two Shoes" who can't believe that they have a mouse despite TWO cats in the house.Anyway, the one who catches Jerry can stay while the other gets the boot, so the competition is on!Even though it's familiar territory I still enjoyed this because the cartoon had enough original sight gags to make entertaining. You not only had the cats competing against each but Jerry in the equation as well, so there were enough good gags to definitely recommend if you are a Tom & Jerry fan.