A Little Thing Called Murder
A Little Thing Called Murder
| 23 January 2006 (USA)
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Fast forgery without mistakes. Shoplifting under pressure. Effective body disposal. The ability to multitask various felonies. These are just a few of the "talents" that mother-and-son grifters Sante and Kenny Kimes possess. Based on shocking true events, this flick takes you into the dark, sordid world of this deadly duo, from their bizarre relationship to their heinous crimes. It's no surprise that two-time Emmy winner Judy Davis earned a nomination for this performance.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Lawbolisted Powerful
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
whpratt1 If you had a mother like the one in this picture, I would begin to wonder how you ever deserved such a horrible position in Life. It sure is a great comedy and at the same time a drama that keeps you wondering just how things will eventually turn out in the very end. If you go out to dinner, you had better worry about the salt and pepper shakers and all morale codes of conduct are completely disregarded. The picture is a bit drawn out and you begin to wonder just when justice will prevail. This is a true story and you really feel sorry for the poor people involved in this family, but you just have to remember it is only a film, so sit back and enjoy the Comedy in this film.
sevenof9fl And truth is definitely stranger than fiction.Richard Benjamin hit just the perfect note in making this story a campy comedy rather than trying to make it a serious study of what are serious crimes. I'm not sure that Sante's and Kenny's behaviors and crimes could have been portrayed realistically (I didn't see the Mary Tyler Moore version) and have the viewer actually buy into how Sante and Kenny really lived, particularly since these were mother and son crimes rather than husband and wife crimes.The entire production was a laugh riot simply because Sante's outrageous behavior was portrayed by a pitch perfect Judy Davis. Her portrayal of Sante's fainting spell in the courtroom wherein she managed to go down for the count while making sure to hold her wig in place is surely one of the most artfully orchestrated short scenes in film.When the film ended it was hard for me to believe that I'd sat rooted to the couch for two hours because it felt like only about 30 minutes had passed.For lovers of true crime and/or just general lovers of great stories and/or just terrific performances, this movie is for you. 10/10.
edwagreen Judy Davis will certainly merit an Emmy nomination come the next time they hand those awards out. She is absolutely fabulous in "A Little Thing Called Murder."Despicable, insane, brutal are just some of the many adjectives that can be used to describe Miss Davis's brilliant performance as grifter Sante Kimes.This woman, who apparently was born to do evil, is everything you wouldn't want in a person. Manipulative, maniacal and just outrageous. Slapping her child and then blaming the security guard for it is just the tip of the iceberg.Killing just comes natural to Sante. Whether it's drowning or strangulation, she is up to the task completely.The worst thing that ever happened to her son was when she is released from prison after a 4 year stint of enslaving maids. She is back home to mold him into her evil ways and what a job she did. Kudos to the makeup artist for making Davis old and ugly with an almost matronly look that anyone might just sympathize with. That's of course until she opens her mouth. It's as if the whole world is against her, which of course is her basic trouble.Absorbing film. Judy Davis, you're one heck of a great actress!
kurgan-3 Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.For what this movie was, it was perfect. It was Mommy Dearest meets Weekend at Bernies.Judy Davis was incredible as a Grifter of extraordinary caliber, manipulating everyone yet seemingly believing in her own innocence. The actress should get an award for her superb performance. As an added bonus, she often (perhaps this was intentional?) looked like another flamboyant life of the party - Serina, Samatha's witch cousin from the original Bewitched television series.Chelcie Ross and Jonathan Jackson were also a great supporting cast, completely believable in their roles as basically manipulated, yet loved, family members.