A Girl is a Girl
A Girl is a Girl
| 11 September 1999 (USA)
A Girl is a Girl Trailers

Trevor (Andrew McIntyre) has never had any particular difficulty in meeting beautiful women to spend time with, but his failure to find the perfect female has left him stymied. Shifting from sorority girls to sex fiends and models, Trevor remains uncomfortable with the idea of settling for just any girl. But after hitting it off with spirited punk rocker Janice (Marnie Robinson), he debates setting aside his quest for physical perfection in order to have a meaningful relationship.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
mr__gone Though not for everyone, I found A Girl is a Girl very mesmerizing. It's hard to put my finger on why exactly, but I think it comes down to being able to relate, on some level, to the conflicts and the themes in the story. The problem with that is, not everyone will find it interesting or relevant... but for those who do, it's a real treat.The acting felt extremely real... moments of awkwardness were almost too real, and definitely seemed familiar. As was the interaction between the characters.Definitely a must see for any fans of great Canadian films, or anyone who enjoys character-driven movies.
day_viewing This film is pretty good actually, about a guy trying to find the "Right girl." It's pretty French new-wave stylisticly, making use of frequent jumpcuts, charachter driven, and naturalistic dialogue. So naturalistic my Japanese girlfriend could barely understand most of it. But if you are a native English speaker, definitely check it out. With a special appearance by "Nardwar the Human Serviette," this film accurately captures the small-punk rock Vancouver scene Harkema is a part of.
anquaich I had heard such great things about this movie but I was terribly disappointed.I realized that I did not care about these people. They were constantly taking drugs and were overall unattractive.The love of vinyl over CDs was mildly entertaining but overall the film was not.It was clearly shot on a low budget and there were some very rough edits.Overall, I cannot recommend people seeing this film.
edmonddm I saw this film at the Toronto Film festival in the fall, I saw a good amount of films over a couple of days, some of the other movies may have been better than this one, but no performance was better then Keir MacPherson in this film. He brought a perfect blend of Hunter S Thompson and Sean Penn to the role, at the same time bringing his own style to it. I strongly suggest seeing this movie.