A Foreign Affair
A Foreign Affair
PG-13 | 21 January 2003 (USA)
A Foreign Affair Trailers

Two brothers need household help after their Ma passes away. They decide to join a romance tour to Russia to find and bring home a traditionally minded wife.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
TxMike Watched it on Netflix streaming movies, nice picture and sound.Tim Blake Nelson is older brother Jake Adams and David Arquette is his younger, timid brother Josh Adams. They live and work on their farm, and their mom still lives at home with them.Mom takes care of the boys, she cooks and cleans while the boys take care of the farm and selling the produce. But one morning they find that mom has died. To demonstrate Jake's frugal nature, they are in the funeral home looking at caskets for the funeral. They hear the price $13,000, ask to discuss it, and next we see them carrying a brass urn with mom's ashes in it.Jake and Josh are totally helpless at home without mom, only managing to eat canned food and almost burning the house down trying to fix french toast like mom did.So they do what any industrious American farmer would do, they contact an agency and go to Russia to find a bride, for the brothers to share, one who will be content to stay home to cook and clean house, there will be no sex, and after two years she can go her own way with a green card that will enable her to stay in the USA.Most of the movie is about their attempts at meeting and screening Russian ladies, many that do not speak English. There are misunderstandings, the brothers don't always cooperate with each other. They meet Emily Mortimer as Angela Beck, they first take her for one of the Russians looking for a husband, but soon they find she is a British journalist with a camera man,they are making a documentary about men coming to Russia to look for wives.It is comedic, but not strictly a comedy, more a drama about relationships. Moderately interesting.
Jay Harris David Arquette & Tim Blake Nelson & a bevy of attractive ladies enliven this Lil flick. They are 2 none too bright brothers trying to find a bride in St Petersburg Russia. This is a nicely written & well acted minor film (only 82 minutes long).Production values are good with good looking location scenes.The only compliant I have is that the ending is a bit confusing,I think under its original title "A Foreign Affair" the running time was about 94 minutes.Do not expect much, just either rent this or watch it on cable like I did, sit back & enjoy.Rating ** 1/2 out of 4======points 78 out of 100.My IMDb rating is a 7 because I enjoyed it.
zayets Tim Nelson Blake and David Arquette play two asexual brothers, who after the death of their Mother/housekeeper, decide to go on a bachelor tour to Russia to find a replacement.In Russia, the brothers meet the stereotypical, cardboard cut, vodka swigging Russian characters. The Russians are merely pushed aside in this story as second or even third class citizens while the superior Westerners go about their cherry picking.After Tim Blake has turned down every advance from gorgeous women and shown no interest in a relationship, you can't understand why he went to Russia in the first place. There are plenty of cheap illegals working as housekeepers in LA. He could have booked a trip on greyhound.Instead we are treated to a nauseating hour of Blake going through his highlighted list and his "unfunny" attempts of assigning women numbers. Emily Mortimer appears not as a Russian looking for love and a green card, but as a British investigative reporter doing a story on these tours. Her Russian is quite good and she could have played a Russian love interest. But then again, this film is not about love. It is about finding a maid. David Arquette's character turns out to be a little more human. He warms up to the Russian ladies and scores with a few. But none of the relationships are serious. It is all tongue and cheek, like a frat party. Instead of delving into the various reasons why these men and women join these tours, the film makers simply provide the superficial reasons, the American men want sex, and the Russian women want green cards. The real popularity of these tours stem in part because they offer our pill popping generation a quick fix solution for love and poverty. On the positive side, David Arquette and Emily Mortimer give good performances. Blake is credible, but his character is highly unlikable. Larry Pine does a fantastic job as the greasy tour director. For a low budget film, the cinematography is quite good.Don't waste your time with this trash. Story is weak and stupid. Offensive to women and Russians everywhere.
realtigerbomb I haven't yet watched the film, as it has not been released in the uk. I have recently been on the tour, that the film was based on and I would recommend it to anyone. I took part in a documentary for local television and it was about the journey of two local guys, looking for love in St Petersburg, Russia. This will be shown on Tyne Tees Television from 21/2/03. To do it for real, was better then to act the part.