A Fool's World
A Fool's World
| 01 January 1964 (USA)
A Fool's World Trailers

Documentary showing perverse and aberrant behavior from around the globe, including such things as sex slavery, dwarf love, Asian brothels and lesbians.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
Leofwine_draca MONDO BALORDO is one of the many mondo documentaries that boomed in Italy in the 1960s. This one's narrated by the ever-genteel Boris Karloff, whose dulcet tones add immeasurably to the viewing experience. The rest is the usual concoction of clips culled from news footage, documentaries, et al. What's remarkable about this one is just how tame it feels for the modern viewer, a film where dwarfs, transvestites, and lesbians are described as 'strange' and 'abhorrent'. Elsewhere, there are scenes of women exercising and in their bikinis on the beach; Bedouin prostitutes; debauchery in Hong Kong nightclubs; elephant hunting and turtle butchery; zoo scenes and operations on sick dogs. It's all so dated that it feels like it comes from another world.
JoeKarlosi Boris Karloff's lispy narration is spoken over "strange and bizarre" clips of absurdity. This is totally value-less tripe, but it's amazing to hear the seasoned horror actor saying words like "prosthitute" and "transvesthtite". I thought that someone might have utilized some innocent remarks that Boris may have been told to read and then play them over weird scenes with totally different meanings -- but no, it's incredible that Karloff actually reads sick and perverse words specifically intended for the material! These days the "shocking sights" are tame and quite dull; nothing as "weird" as they may have been perceived way back in the 1960's.0 out of ****
Michael_Elliott Mondo Balordo (1964) * (out of 4) Yet another imitation of the MONDO CANE series, this one featuring narration by Boris Karloff (just think from this to The Grinch!). What we basically do is travel across the world taking a look at various strange rituals mainly dealing with sex. There's some dwarf love going on but of course the big highlight is the animal violence, which was rampant during this "period" of cinema. I know many people outright hate these mondo movies simply because they see them as nothing but trash. I wouldn't go to that level because there are some that were meant to shock but also they were well made. That's not the case here as this is clearly just an attempt to make some money and there's no question that it's poorly made and mainly boring. The one "highlight", if you want to call it that, is Karloff doing the narration but I'm willing to bet that he just signed the back of a check and didn't actually see what he was putting his voice to.
EVOL666 I've never been real big into "mondo" films. I've seen a few over the years, but they've just never really held my interest. I've had a bunch laying around that I'd been given, and figured I'd give a few a shot to see if my opinion has changed. Not knowing anything about MONDO BOLARDO, I decided to give it a go. I wish I'd have never bothered. I'm going to spend very little time summarizing this one.Boris Karloff narrates a bunch of EXTREMELY boring and non-shocking stuff that shows no nudity, sleaze, or any of the other things that mondo-fans seem to dig. The most "shocking" scene is some African hunting footage...I guess I should have done my research and realized that this film was made in 1964. Had I known that, I would have expected something about as exciting and sleazy as ANTIQUES ROADSHOW instead of something more akin to FACES OF DEATH. The only reason I was able to sit through the entire run-time of this one is because I was doing other things while it was on - namely, trying to pay as little attention to the film as humanly possible, while still retaining enough to advise that it sucks. I can recommend this film to...well...no one - unless you are suffering from severe insomnia - in which case, this one should do the trick nicely...2/10