A Fool and His Money
A Fool and His Money
R | 18 November 1989 (USA)
A Fool and His Money Trailers

New York advertising executive Morris Codman seems to have it all - lots of talent and a beautiful girlfriend, Debbie. When he loses his job he decides to use his advertising expertise to create, package and market a shady product that will make him millions. Debbie tries to convince him that money isn't everything and she loves him just the way he is. Morris' bizarre antics in promoting his product surprisingly lead to a fortune, but can love survive his quest for the almighty dollar?

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Joe Que With all the negative comments posted I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. If you want a comedy with big laughs all the way, then this is not for you. And the production etc. is obviously not much to speak of. But if you're in for a little satire on religion, then you might as well watch this. It doesn't go after any of the known religions, but rather after mass hysteria, preachers as well as greed and egoism. There are some unfulfilled premises, like what happens with the short-sellers, and the traditional religions in the end. The acting is so-so, but Gerald Orange is for sure a very believable preacher. It's not one to buy, but if it's on TV, then have a look.
gandalf-31 I found the DVD on a shelf at a rental condo I was at. Had never heard of it, but Sandra Bullock was on the cover, it was late, so why not give it a go. What a terrible, terrible movie. Perhaps one of the worst ever made. If IMDb allowed a zero rating, this would be it. In fact, I'm tempted to raise my score on the other 5 movies I have rated a 1 on IMDb, just to show how bad this one was.The writing was bad, the plot was non-existent, the acting was terrible, the camera-work looked like that of someone using a video camera for the first time. My wife and mother-in-law were smarter than me, they went and found something else to do. I kept watching, thinking something has to happen. And you know, NOTHING EVER HAPPENED in this movie.Go watch a snail crawl across the sidewalk, go watch water dripping from a faucet, anything is better than watching this.
Emily I first became interested in this movie because Sandra Bullock was on the cover. Little did I know that she was barely in the movie, and not even her rare appearance (which was the only thing worthwhile) could save this movie. The only reason I didn't stop the movie after the first five minutes was because I was determined to see it to the end--no matter what. Unfortunately, after the movie came to a conclusion (if you can call it that) I felt as if I had been violated with the most awful cinematic experience ever. The troubling parts of the movie were the horrible acting, the worst script, and music that sounded like it was pulled straight from a "country's worst" compilation album, volume one. I would recommend anything else. This is probably the WORST movie I have ever seen, and I have seen my share of bad movies.
TxMike This movie, "Religion, Inc.", was made before any of us knew who Sandra Bullock was. Here she has a relatively minor role, but is prominently featured on the DVD cover, wearing a nice red dress which doesn't appear anywhere in the movie. Plus, they are marketing it as "A Fool And His Money". We fell for it! We bought a copy at $5, and it is barely worth $1, for the quality of the DVD but even less for the movie. Seriously, there are better DVDs available for $1. You may wonder "What is wrong with it?" Fair question. First, the sound is inferior, kind of fuzzy, listed as stereo but sounds closer to mono. Second, the picture is not even as good as good VHS quality. Third, there are chapters and nothing else, as basic a DVD as you can find. Still, all that would not be terrible, had it contained a good movie.The movie is a very cheesy "B" grade movie at best. "The Lord" tells the protagonist to start a business, so he starts a company called "religion, Inc", to establish a new religion. It works for a while, but then trouble strikes. So far, such a premise has promise for a different kind of comedy. Unfortunately the writer had no vision and everything falls flat in the second half. The only redeeming quality is that it runs a short 80 minutes.SPOILERS FOLLOW, for my recollection. Trying to think of a name for the new religion, they pick the opposite of "Protestant", the "Preferant" church, which preaches it is OK to look out for yourself and accumulate wealth and advancement. It is OK to have extramarital affairs and to take advantage of the less fortunate. A janitor with a PHD in Philosophy becomes the "spiritual leader." Even though the new religion, which plays on followers' dark desires, flourishes, the founders have chest pains which can only be relieved when they go straight. Cheesy, hokey, choose your adjective, but we found it a total waste of 80 minutes. Except to see a young Sandra Bullock with acting promise.