A Cry in the Wild
A Cry in the Wild
PG | 01 June 1990 (USA)
A Cry in the Wild Trailers

13-year-old Brian is the sole survivor of an unreported plane crash. Alone in the Yukon wilderness, Brian must learn to survive by his wits, find food and shelter, and brave wild, hungry animals until or if he is found.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
markburke1 This movie completely missed the spirit of the book, which was about adapting to and living in harmony with nature. To be fair, the inner transformation and thoughts of Brian were going to be difficult to show on the big screen, but it feels like they didn't even try. They could have at least showed a physical transformation and used more scenes where Brian has to persist with a problem to solve it.The story is set around a boy who is ditched into deep wilderness on his own, after a small plane crash. With no choice but to adapt, Brian has a hard time just finding food and shelter. In the book the experience is essentially one of growth and becoming a real man through tribulations. In the movie they have taken a less philosophical approach and have gone for straight action with little regard for character development. The scenes involving the bear are particularly ridiculous. I cant imagine Gary Paulsen the author would be very happy with this adaptation of his classic young teens novel.
lpulai Movie Critique1 In the movie Hatchet there is a boy named Brian. He wants to fly in the summer to his dad because his mom and his dad are separated. On the way the pilot gets a heart attack. and Brian crashed in the wilderness, in a lake. He must survive only with a hatchet. At first Brian can't survive but then he made a bow and a spear. He finds a shelter, he catches fish with his spear and he shoots foolbrids with his bow. After his tornado Brian saw the plane in the lake. He swam to the plane and gets the survival pack. In the survival pack was a black hunting firearm and a rescue pistol and lots of food a, a knife, an emergency transmitter and stuff like this. At last he gets rescued from a man who lives close to Brian.2 I like how Brian makes the fire because its more real than in the book. In the book you only read it an in the movie you WATCH it so. 3 I really like that Brian landed with luck in the lake. In the book he landed without luck in the lake.4 I give the movie 7 stars because Mark Griffith did a very good job and the movie is really awesome.
erehwald Movie Critic A CRY IN THE WILDMark Griffith teams up with actor Jared Rushton to create a movie Adaption of the novel Hatchet. The movie is called "A CRY IN THE WILD". In the movie Brian crashes and is trying to survive in the wilderness.Mark Griffith and his crew really capture how Brian is surviving. I like that because it goes into depth of how Brian is staying alive. I also like how it shows that Brian cares for the bear cubs. It is funny to see Brian try to fish. I really liked the part where Brian is fishing and falls into the water.Mark Griffith also messed up a few things in the movie. For example, a few hours after he crashed, a plane came by. In the book the plane comes after he has a shelter. He also finds the shelter later than in the book. When Brian goes to find food, he goes to where he can not see the lake. In the book, he never goes somewhere where he can not see the lake. A few days after he finds the shelter, he builds a giant wall around it with the help of rope. It is very unrealistic that he just suddenly has rope. Also, a bear comes to invade his camp regularly. It is pretty unrealistic that a bear would come again if he did not get anything from the first raid. When he has in the forest at night, he was ambushed by a bear. When he stabbed the bear, blood came squirting out in an unrealistic way. Earlier, he was "hugging" a bear. That was unrealistic. Then, he got a bow and arrows and was a master archer. Very unrealistic. At the camp, he suddenly has drums and plays on them. Where did he get them from? Also, the tornado was not on there, it was only a breeze. Not too realistic. Lastly, he does not build a raft to get the emergency pack.I would give the movie 4 stars. It was not the worst or the best movie I have ever seen. Mark Griffith could have made the tornado show more, show how Brian created the bow and arrows, and replace the bear with the moose.
kluseba This movie is a moderate budget television adaption of the critically acclaimed novel "Hatchet" written by the American author of young adult literature Gary James Paulsen. The short novel published in 1987 tells the story of a young teenager who has to survive for several weeks in the Canadian wilderness after a plane crash.The main challenge of this eight-two minutes long movie from 1990 was the fact that the whole story is carried by the main character alone. Most of the novel and the movie takes place in the wilderness and features no dialogues but some soliloquies. Child actor Jared Rushton did an accurate job even though I disliked the fact that a sixteen-year old teenager played the role of an unexperienced thirteen-year old boy.Despite the solid acting, this movie sometimes feels like a National Geographic documentary that shows us incredible landscapes such as forests, lakes, mountains and waterfalls and a multitude of animals such as bears, porcupines, raccoons and wolves. This is definitely beautiful to watch but gets quickly boring.Due to the low budget, some scenes feel a little bit goofy. One can clearly see that the wild animals are trained and tame. The fighting scene between the main character and a bear in a lake even made me unintentionally chuckle.On the other side, a couple of scenes of this movie are actually filled with tension. Where the book sometimes gets too descriptive, the movie has a faster pace and the solid soundtrack helps up building some atmosphere. The sequence where dream and reality mix as the main character encounters a lone wolf is very well done and my favourite part of the film along with the campfire fighting scene. A few mildly shocking scenes in form of the eating of worms or the appearance of the pilot's ugly cadaver in the plane wreck added some spice as well.A few elements in the movie are different from the book. Some new ideas such as the covering with mud to protect from mosquitoes work very well. On the other side, the flashback scenes are a little bit redundant. The alibi side story around the divorce of the main character's parents is rather uninteresting in the novel and in the movie as well from my point of view.In the end, this short movie was quite entertaining and is worth to be watched once if you liked the book and the survival genre in general. Especially younger audiences should like this movie even though nothing beats the classic Enid Blyton movies of my childhood. Adults should rather go for survival movies like "The Grey".